Chapter two: It all went downhill

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*I don't know how to create titles so bear with me with the title names*

You are woken up not only by the bright light from the outside but by the slam of the large front doors downstairs. You let out a long sigh as you toss off the blankets of your half-awake form and you sit up into a sitting position and let out an, what men would call, an un-ladylike yawn.

Mouth wide open, face scrunched up oddly, strings of drool stick to your inner lips. The yawn is deep and squeaky.

You reach up to your head to take off the scarf that covers your locs and rub your eyes and say.

"I'm guessing that's Maria, papa will be asking me to look after her soon. I mind as well get ready," you murmur. At this point it's become your everyday routine.

You sling yourself out of your bed and walk up to your dresser and pick out a pair of pants and an (f/c) blouse. You go take them to the bathroom to get ready for the day, once done you walk out dressed in your picked clothes and shoes and with your (h/c) locs wrapped in another scarf. You walk out of your room then slide down the banister to see your papa, General Posada, eating breakfast at the table.

"(Y/N) I hope that you're on your way to watch Maria right?" General Posada asks without looking from his plate. As usual.

You sighed as you said, "Yes, Papa." You walk over to the table and grab a breakfast churro while sitting down at the table. Your father hands you a glass of mango juice and a plate of two more churros, "Gracias." you muttered.

"De nada, hija. You pay attention more to your sister, she's becoming nothing but trouble these days." Your father says as he shakes his head, yet he seems to perk up a bit as he says "Oh and hija go put on a skirt, dress like a lady, not some tomboy. You're almost 12 which means it's time you start acting like a proper, like a Posada, okay querida." he says as he looks at you.

Don't worry he'll get used to it.

As you were wiped your mouth of crumbs you look at your father in the eyes as you nod then say, "I understand papa, I promise to keep Maria out of trouble." You get up from the table and kiss your father on the cheek on the way towards the door muttering, "Wearing a skirt is stupid anyways, what's the point of wearing them."

"Goodbye (Y/N)! Que tenga un buen día!" Mr. Posada calls back to you.

"Adiós papa, tú también!" you call back as you leave home.


You were were walking down the cobblestone street only to see Maria and her friends standing near a gated pig farm(?). You apparently got there just in time to see Maria holding sword right above the gate lock seeming as if she's about to break the lock, she's about to bring it down when you and Joaquin yell.

"Maria! NO!" but it was too late.

Maria had let the pigs free and they were heading to the townsquare(?) at alarming speed. In the middle of it all you were carried by pigs down to the street to the middle of the town only to buck you of into a basket full of fruit. You along with Manolo and Joaquin poked your head out of the baskets, grapefruit and a bunch of bananas on your head, to see a large boar charging towards your father.

Joaquin saw it as well and rushed to your father just as you were about to call out to him. Joaquin pushed your father out of the way just for the boar to ram Joaquin with great force, yet Joaquin only skidded to a stop in the protective stance. The town gasped and you watched with wide eyes at the scene, Joaquin looked at the medal, the medal of Everlasting Life, in his chest and covered up muttering a small "cool" , meanwhile the boar had found a new target, the chicken wearing nun.

The rabid pig was about to charge until you perked up with an idea, you looked looked a red scarf that a lady was wearing a yellow and green green dress. You hopped out of the baskets and grabbed the scarf the same time as Manolo you both looked at each other for a second but understood each other grabbed a side of the scarf side by side ready for the fight(?). 

"Torro! Torro!" You and Manolo yelled aggressively while waving the scarf.

The boar responded by charging towards you and you both dodged the attack last minute. In the corner of your eye you see Mr. Sanchez smiling at you both with a hint of surprise, probably because he see's you out of the shadows. You showed a small smile as you and Manolo were dodging more attacks by the frustrated boar, the boar growled ready for the last attack and moved his hoove back and for ready to charge. 

"Are you ready chica?" Manolo asked looking at you.

"Yes, but are you ready chico?" You replied smirking a bit.

You both look up to see the wild boar running forward, you waited for the right time until you jumped over the boar and Manolo moved away from the boar. The boars' eyes widend in surprised as he rammed into a concert wall, knocking it unconsius.

"Oh my. What did I  miss?" You heard your father ask. Dazed, he had passed out from his close encounter with the boar.

"Are you alright sir?" Joaquin replied as he helped your father up.

"Yo-you saved my life!" General Posada replied, placing a hand on Joaquin's shoulder. As he slightly cringed as he looked at the hand.

You and Manolo ran up to your fathers' side as he began saying that he helped save him from the wild boar, but he was shushed every. single. time. You furrowed your brows in frustration as you watched the encounter. 

"That girl is in in so much trouble. Maria! (Y/N)!" Your father yelled. As you winced at the loud noise.

As Maria was walking over from her hiding spot you walked in front of your father. You said, " I'm right here papa". 

"I'm sorry, pap. It's just that I.." Maria said just before she looked at the ground and gasped. "Manolo's guitar."

"Maria! (Y/N)! This rebellious nonsense and savage behavior ends now!" General Posada says, you quietly wince at the loud tone.

"You both are going to become a proper lady!" Your father adds.

"What, why?" You and Maria say simultaneously.

"Because I said so! I'm sending you both to Spain!" he adds furiously. Your eyes widen as you let out a small gasp, and tons of thoughts were popcornign in your head a million a minuet.

Why Spain?

Why do I have to go?

"The sisters at the Convent of the Perpetual Flame will straighted you out." he adds.

"What?" asks Maria.

"Why?" you ask.

"But, Pap/Papa!" you and your sister exclaim.

"No. It is decided. Now go home!" he furisioly says.

You saw your sister's eyes have small tears in them, Maria let's out a small whimper before running home with the broken guitar in hnd. You follow not far behind as you slightly glared at your father but lightened your glare looking at Manolo and Joaquin. Once you you get home you head towards Maria's room to talk about the upcoming trip to Spain. What they didn't know is that a certain medal wearing boy had one question going around his head.

Who was that girl?

 𝓞𝓱, 𝓫𝓸𝔂(Joaquin x Black reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant