Kageyama Special: The Bells

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a/n: I am very much aware that I said it would only take me a couple of days to give a special one-shot, I am also aware that it took me a couple of months instead.....


it is for inconsistencies like these that the hiatus is in place!!

I just hope that the unreasonable wait is worth it. this is a somewhat long one. hope you enjoy it.

WARNING: angst.

Kageyama Tobio was many things. He was tall, he was talented, he was anti-social, blunt, and the list goes on and on. But one thing that no one could imagine Kageyama being, is in love.

How it happened? Even he didn't know, but what he could tell you from the top of his head is why.

Why he fell in love with him. With the beauty so radiant that was Hinata Shoyo. And the reason why is pretty simple; because he was everything that he wasn't.

Hinata was short, bright, optimistic, kind, sometimes naive, and above all, Hinata was freedom. He freed Kageyama from worries, anguish, even himself. He was able to reform his throne to fit him just right. It no longer felt so suffocating and he now felt like this 'kingdom' of his was worth it. He was able to truly turn him into a king.

But one thing Kageyama has always hated about Hinata, is that this kingdom that he built for him, had little to no space for himself.

He had the castle, crown, subjects, he had all the boxes checked with the exception of one.

A royal partner.

He wasn't willing to call it the absence of a 'queen'. He would only take this analogy so far. But he was looking for someone. Someone to stand besides him. 'Rule' beside him. Someone to be there for him. And he didn't even realized what he wanted- what he needed- until it was too late.


Kageyama groaned as he heard the ever annoying voice of his doom. "What do you want, Tooru. I'm kind of busy right now." Kageyama could feel the fake pout on Oikawa's face as he tries his hardest to do his tie. "You're always so rude to me!" "Yeah right. Because you're such an angel." "Tobio!" Their bickering was luckily stopped by a knock on the door.

"I can hear your annoying voices from here! Shut up and get ready!"

"Iwa-chan is even worse!"

"Shut up and get ready!"

Kageyama blocked out whatever new bicker was going on outside his room as Oikawa stepped out with a promise to, and quoted, "teach him a lesson." Full offense to Oikawa, Kageyama doubted he'd ever be able to teach a lesson to anyone.

He let out a sigh as his seemingly endless struggle with his tie finally came to a close. He looked into the body sized mirror and saw a presentable man stating back at him. A presentable, handsome man.

A presentable, handsome, miserable man.

"No! The flowers are supposed to be on the sides!"

Kageyama was snapped out of his thoughts as he looked out the window of his room to see Yachi scolding a poor guy with flower arrangements on his hands. Kageyama chuckled as he saw his high-school friend nearly bring the man to tears. Not like that's supposed to be a normal occurrence seeing as how Yachi was one of the kindest and sweetest people he's ever met but you know what they say, weddings make people crazy. (ps. I have no idea if that's an actual saying. just go with it.)

"Got it? Okay. Now! The guests are arriving in 10 minutes so hurry it up people- OH, Yaku! Lev! So glad you could make it!"

He almost wanted to snort at the instant switch up.

"What?! They did what to the garden?!"

"Nishinoya and Tanaka vandalized the garden."

Kageyama covered his ears as soon as he heard that. He very much preferred not to be witness of murder or two. Thanks to the newfound silence he was able to think for a while. He really hated weddings. So much.

His mother's wedding, the family drama was a little too intense in that one. His aunt's wedding, he would never tell her that her groom was the scum of the earth.  And then there was this one. The worst one so far. This one would be one that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

"Kageyama! We gotta go!" Kageyama uncovered his ears just in time to hear a distant scream that sounded like Tanaka and to hear Iwaizumi outside his door. "Coming." he answered back and looked one last time in the mirror and gave his reflection a pitiful look before going out the door.

He gave one final look at both Oikawa and Iwaizumi before leaving them behind and heading directly to the wedding venue: outside. The couple wanted an outdoor wedding instead of the traditional. Funny, oddly enough, he quite liked the location.

He walked for a while. Through a hallway or two and the stairs to finally arrive at the door of his doom. He took a deep breath and opened the doors.

Some people looked at him but most were still getting to their seats. He walked down the well decorates aisle, she might've been a little tyrannical but he's got to admit it, Yachi did a good job. He took his place.

Kageyama looked at everyone chatting and sitting down ready for the ceremony to start. He felt a stare burn into him and slightly turned his eyes to see Oikawa throwing him a look. He gave him a sad smile before looking at the end of the aisle where everyone looked as well. Kageyama closed his eyes before taking a breath and looking as well.

There he was. Hinata Shoyo.

All dressed up in a fitting white suit, small flowers and petals decorating his pocket and hair and a smile gracing his face that would put every star out there to shame. He looked ethereal. Beautiful.

Kageyama Tobio could never explain how it happened. How he fell in love. But he could go on and on as to why. Why Hinata was the one he fell in love with. Why he was so amazing. Why he was so darn beautiful. Why he was just so perfect.

Hinata began walking down the aisle.

He truly hates how he didn't build another throne besides his. He really hates how he built him a pedestal so high, he can never see anything. Not even him.

Just a few more steps.

But he hates himself more for not realizing it faster. He will forever hate himself for not acting quicker.

And Hinata arrived.

Because now his sun is with someone else.

a/n: idk I don't really like how it turned out it just seems messy.
anyways hope you enjoyed reading it!!
for anyone wondering; no, there will still be no updates on this book or with my other book. the hiatus is still in place. writer's block can really be a bitch. there is a possibility for a one-shot book since it seems a lot easier to keep up with seeing as it'll have no story line. however if I do make this possibly horrible decision, updates will be really, really slow. keeping this in mind, if any of you are actually interested, I'll keep it in consideration.
anyways, hope yall have a good day!!♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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