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"Synthia?" says a voice in the dark. "Synthia?" It says again but this time it's closer than before. It sounds like it is all around me. "Who's there?" I answer in my bravest voice. The smell of rotting flesh filled the air almost as thick as the fog. I turn around and a shadow emerges from the blanket of gray. "Synthia!" It yelled excitedly in a more confident way. The small silhouette takes shape into a young girl with long brown hair. "Rachel?...Is that you?" I drop to the floor as a little girl stands just feet in front of me. I try to hold back my tears as she runs into my arms. When she hits my arms a cloud of black dust appears and she disappeared into thin air. I stand up no longer able to hold back the tears any longer. As they slowly run down my soft, pink cheeks, the world around me starts to spin. It gets faster and faster. Then dramatically stops still.

"Synthia... Synthia can you hear me!" A new voice calls out as I open my eyes to a bright, white light. "She's ok!" Says the voice again but this time I manage to see who it is. It was Ms. Wendy the school nurse. "How long was I out this time?" I ask trying to sit up straight. "About ten minutes" Ms. Wendy answers back helping me up. I catch my balance and and we start to talk.

After I was checked over to make sure that I was fine, I was sent back to my class where everyone remained quiet. "Welcome back Synthia! please take your seat and I will catch you up on what we are doing," says my chemistry teacher, Mr. Fredricks, pointing to my seat. "I can catch her up since I'm her partner, sir," Says Lexa waving her hand frantically. "Stay on topic." replies Mr. Fredrick sitting at his messy desk, covered with piles of work. I walk over to the table where Lexa sits. "What was your vision... was it cool... what happened?" Asks Lexa. She was looking up at me Like a six year old at a candy store. "It was about Racheal," I explain Looking down at the ground. "Wait like your sister?... Why?" questions Lexa. "I'm not sure, but it might be a sign." When I look up Lexa looks confused. "WHAT?" Yells Lexa almost flying out of her chair with excitement. "Lexa and Synthia! Please tell me that you are on topic with this," Says Mr. Fredrick Standing up and walking to the front of the room. "Ummm we are just talking about how we are adventuring into the world of chemistry with the best teacher in the school...." Says Lexa turning to me with a gesture telling me to back up her lie. "...Yeah chemistry is really awesome," I added with a fake smile. "Nice try I give you that, but i would like to see you two after class," answers Mr. Fredrick holding back laughter.

The end of the school day finally ended and we started heading home. Everyday before we leave, my friends and I wait at the big fountain in front of the school. Walking to the front exit by the office Ronnie, one of my best friends, catches up to me. "Hey Synthia." He says putting his elbow on my shoulder and leaning on me as we walk. "Hey Ron, Fountain right?" I answer while I push open the doors to the bright sunny sky of our town. He nods and we continued down the small flight of stairs. We walk around the corner to see Lexa and Charlie already waiting. The fountain was glowing as the sun hit the flow of water shooting out of the spout. "Hey guys!" me and Ronnie seemed to say at the same time. We take a seat on the ledge of the fountain, right next to Lexa and Charlie. "Hey!" says Charlie wiping his nose with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. His nose was pink and he looked tired. "You seem well," laughs Ronnie looking at him with playful eyes. Lexa smiles and says "I think your sick Charles. Do you want to head home early today?" She turns to Charlie then to me and Ronnie, waiting for us to respond. "I am totally fine with that if you want Charles," I reply. I nudge Ronnie in the arm and he says "yeah Charles," Charlie stands up and looks down at his feet. "Okay... let's go," He wipes his nose again and smiles faintly. When we finally reached Charlie's house and let him go, I said "let's all go back to my place, I want to talk," They nodded and we started towards my house

The lights were still on when we approached the house. The yellow light, glowing against the dark night sky was strong enough to light up the whole street. We reached the red door on the porch I twisted the knob. When the door opened, we all went in one by one. "Don't forget your shoes" I remind them, but as I turn, their shoes were already off and the two of them were in the living room on the new couch my mom had just got. "Alright..." I say "I know the couch is super comfortable, but we came here to talk." They both turned to look at me. "Go ahead Synthia," says Ronnie. I sat down on the couch with them and started to tell them about my vision. "Isn't that really weird?" asked Lexa. She had already heard the story, but it seems like it freaked her out more the second time. They both started to talk when I say "I have an idea.... It may sound crazy, but I think my vision is telling me to go back to the swamp in the forest." They stopped talking and looked at me once again. This time they looked with slightly pale faces. "You were right..." says Ronnie. Confused I ask "about what?" He points at me and says "It's definitely crazy!" He chuckled at his own joke then stops and waits for me to continue on. "Funny. I think I should go back. It might be trying to tell me that she might still be alive." They look at each other then back to me. "Don't you mean we!" smiles Lexa in a loyal way. "If you think that you are just going to walk right into a creepy forest without us... then you are out of you mind!" adds Ronnie. "We are coming with you." says Lexa. "Thanks guys!" I give them both a big hug then we started making a plan.

Racheal? (A short)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt