Surprise Sunday Funday...

Start from the beginning

Dominic felt dizzy "I need to sit down for a second" her vomit was at the top of her throat "Omg maybe I could distract him while Toi sneaks you out" Kennedy rubbed Dominic's back "Fuck that! Dominic, you need to tell this man you're pregnant" Toi looked at her like she was crazy "No he has eyes, clearly he can see. Now let's eat I'm starved" Dominic stood up walking towards the dining room. "This is about to be some messy shit" Kennedy shook her head, Mia followed right behind Dominic

Gabriel had already made himself comfortable at the table laughing and joking with the guys when Dominic walked into the room nonchalantly. Milan did a double-take choking on his drink, Tamir and Cash saw her belly too but didn't speak a word of it. Gabriel was stunned he thought she had got rid of their baby, he felt like such a dick for breaking up with her over text and then blocking her from everything. The room grew silent not a word spoken from any of the adults all that could be heard were the kids laughing and screaming. "Can we eat now?" Dominic broke the awkward silence "Yea, yea Paris and everyone else is running late they said we could eat without them" Cash spoke up "Let's eat" Mia smiled

Gabriel couldn't keep his eyes off of Dominic during dinner, he watched her ignore his presence like he wasn't even there. He wasn't mad though he somewhat deserved it for ending things the way he did. Dominic deserved more than a text that said he couldn't do it anymore but, the truth was he couldn't face her at the time. "I can't take this shit anymore... Dominic can I please talk to you in private" Gabe blurted out across the table. She looked at him like he was crazy she was mid-conversation with everyone else at the table "You know me from somewhere?" She frowned up her face looking dead at him "Don't do this right here... Please" he looked up at her making her get up and walk away from the table out of the front door. Gabe jumped up "Sorry, excuse us" he followed behind her, he just wanted to get a clear understanding with her.

As soon as the doors closed behind them "What the fuck Gabe, I didn't deserve better than a text message" Dominic folded her arms across her chest "What the fuck Dominic I didn't deserve to know when you found out" he mocked her. "You fuckin' blocked me asshole" she yelled "Bullshit!" He yelled even louder "You been knew since that night I came back from Chicago" he grabbed her arm so she could look at him. "I saw the test in the trash that night Dominic" he looked away "So, you're going through my shit now?" She fussed "Stop with the bullshit games Dominic, are we doing this?" He looked at her "Are we having this baby? If so I wanna be there in every way I can if you let me"

"What does it look like... ain't no turning back now. I find out the sex in 2weeks if you care" she looked away "If I care?? I more than care" he looked into her eyes. Paris walked up with Silvia and Tamara interrupting Dom and Gaberial "Ooh no pregnancy got her too... let's go, Mommy, I think it's in the food they cooking" Paris joked "Congratulations! Come on inside and tell us all about our new addition" Tamara put her arms around both Gabe and Dominic walking them both back inside. The conversation between the two was far from over but, Gabe decided to put it to rest for the moment.

"My god another baby you boys are busy!" Silvia joked with all the men in the room holding their children. Milan was feeding London from his plate, Tamir was getting up to change Kacey, Cash was trying to put Cali to sleep. "Hell yea..." Paris looked around "None of y'all better ask me to babysit either" Paris joked "Me and Toi need you tonight we're working on number 2" Milan pulled Toyomi close to him "Umm no we're not P" Toi shook her head

Gabe looked at Dominic "Can I attend that doctor's appointment with you in 2weeks? I have a case out of town but, I'm willing to cancel" he waited for her answer. "Yea sure, I can't stop you from being a father" she sassed him, he grabbed her arm to look at the seriousness on his face "Dominic I still love you, in fact I love you more for this little blessing you're carrying"

Deep down she was hoping those words Gabriel had just said were true "Sounds like a personal problem" Dom said "I know you don't mean that. You're just upset at the moment. But I promise I'ma make it up to you" he paused "We were both selfish in this situation and I'm ready to make it up on my end and I'll be around if and when you're ready" he held onto her hands. She looked everywhere but his eyes she didn't feel like crying, lately she had been so emotional which wasn't her like at all.

"So it's a date 2weeks you bring the belly I'll bring myself" he pulled her into a hug. She was shouting for joy on the inside but played nonchalantly on the outside "Okay, also how do I reach you with updates if I'm blocked?" She tilted her head to the side "I'll handle all of that sorry for being a dick" he stole a kiss from her lips "Hey! I never said you could kiss me Mr. Greyson" she rolled her eyes "Oh I'm back to Mr. Greyson, that will be short-lived trust me" he smiled

Gabe knew he had to put the work in for Dom to trust him again and he was fine with that. She was worth every fight she put up... well at least to him she was worth it

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