Chapter 24: New Encounter

Start from the beginning

Gou: I thought you saw this already?

Gou questioned.

Me: Well, yeah, but I could never get used to the sight of many wild Pokemons.

I replied as I was staring at the flock of Pidgeys, Pidgeottos, and Pidgeots gliding through the air. Really reminds me of the Pokemons I used to have before releasing them into the wild. Like Butterfree and Pidgeot.

Me: ... ( Ah, the nostalgia... )

Lillie: Are we allowed to catch any of the Pokemons here?

Lillie asked curiously.

Gou: Yeah, I think you can.

Me: Aw, yeah!

I pumped up upon hearing the approval. The group decided to continue searching for more Pokemons in the wild area. I only managed to find more Tauroses. Reminded me of the time where I caught thirty of them. Gou was just sticking close behind me to provide any information if I happen to need some.

Gou: I wonder what are you planning to catch.

Gou voiced out his curiosity. I continued searching through bushes and just giving him brief answers.

Me: Hmm... maybe a Pinsir. Oh! I actually want to catch a Farfetch'd.

Gou: Do you want to catch a Galarian one?

Me: There is?

Gou: Yeah. The Kantonian Farfetch'd is pure Flying while the Galarian one is pure Fighting.

Gou shared his knowledge about Farfetch'd with me. That caused me to become determined to look for one.

Me: Can you find a Farfetch'd here?

Gou: I think so.

Before we left the area, I found something which almost evaded from my eyesight. There was a tiny little bug crawling on the leaves of the bushes. It was something I never seen before. I took out the Rotomphone which I still carried in my pocket and scanned the tiny insect.

Rotomphone: Blipbug, the Larva Pokemon, Bug type. A constant collector of information, this Pokémon is very smart. Very strong is what it isn't.

Moveset: Struggle Bug, - , - , -

Me: ...

I stored the Rotomphone into my pocket and took out a Pokeball.

Gou: You're gonna catch it?

I ignored the question, and tossed the Pokeball gently at the tiny bug that was chilling on the bush.


Rotomphone: Blipbug was added into your Pokedex!

Me: Alright! I caught it! Look at my team right now, man!

I pulled out my Rotomphone again.

1 - Pikachu
2 - Scorbunny
3 - Rookidee
4 - Blipbug
5 -
6 -

Gou: Woah! You're already ready for the first gym battle!

Me: Alright! I'm fired up!

I leapt into the air with enthusiasm. I was very close to having a full team already. I could not wait to have my first Pokemon battle.

Lillie's POV:

Ash and Gou went off into the wild area, looking for Pokemons to catch. Snowy and I wandered around the bushes, looking for Pokemons too. That was when we spotted a large lake. I was immersed by the sight, so I decided to take a look. I did not have any intent  to catch any Pokemons though. I just wanted to see Ash fight again. I wanted to see... the one I love battle like how he always does, no matter how far he has already gotten. At the lake, I caught a fantastic sight of a Lapras swimming majestically. There were Swannas chilling nearer to the coast, taking a drink of water from the lake. At the forest across, Heracrosses and Pinsirs could be spotted. A flock of Pidoves, Tranquills, and Unfezants were flying overhead towards the open field.

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