part -15 💜💜

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Y/n pov...

Here I am sitting in living room . Scrolling through my phone. Jin is kitchen, suga is sleeping, hoseok is scrolling phone like me, Namjoon is reading book, Jimin and jungkook fighting for remote and Taehyung is also scrolling on phone.

Then Jin come in living room and shout

Jin - ahhh you both droks stop fighting on that remote.

Jimin - but hyung I want to watch shinchan

Jungkook - but I want to watch Doramon

Jimin - but shinchan is best

Jungkook - no doramon.

And out of no where author also come

Author - today I am with mochi as I also love shinchan and his bori bori dance

Jungkook - autho-

Jungkook was cut off by jin shout

Jin - hey stob it . (Irritated)

Jin - Namjoon take and them and teach them something.

Namjoon - okk hyung.

Jin - Taehyung and y/n you too. Go and complete your holiday homework.

Me+ tae - okk.

Then I went to my room and bring my book's .

End of y/n pov...


Author was about to run 🏃💨before Namjoon catch her

Namjoon - you little brat where are u going. Hm.

Author -  a-a- i-i wa-was

Namjoon - did you do your homework.

Author - n- no (looking down)

Namjoon - I am letting you go this time . But next time I will shave your eyebrows. (Scary tone)

Author - o-ok. I am sorry (run away)

Y/n pov....

I enter library

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I enter library. It change very much.
There was no one there. So I put my book's and start looking around . Well I love reading. Not only me but Mr. Park also. It has soo many new book's . Then my eyes catch something.There is an story book section  were our old are kept. I went there. It has our old book's Mr. Park and mom used to read me and my siblings at night when we were not able to sleep. Unconsciously a tear left my. Which I whipe quickly. When I hear my name being called. I turned around to see Namjoon.

Me - hm yes (whipe tear's)

Namjoon - I am calling you from past 3min what happened

I think he noticed my tears.

My Mafia Brothers.. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora