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Y/N hopped out of the moving truck and opened the back. Her step-dad moved the boxes to the ground while she moves them inside. Y/N is moving back to the Valley after years of being away. She moved away 7 years ago when both of her parents were together. They recently split and once Y/N's mom married Jimmy, Y/N's new step dad. She decided she wanted to move back to the Valley to be with family. So, that's what happened. Y/N is back in her hometown in her old house. Once they were done moving the boxes indoors Y/N took the boxes with her name labeled on them and went upstairs to her old room. The walls were bright pink with no furniture. She moved all of the boxes to the middle of her room before going downstairs in the kitchen with her step-dad there. "Hey, Jimmy?" Y/N asked

"Yea?" Her step dad responded

"Can we paint my room? I'm tired of that color."

"Sure, what color do you want?"

"Hmm... f/c!" Y/N smiled (if your favorite color is pink think of a different type of pink)

"Alright. I'll stop by a hardware store and get paint tomorrow"

"Thanks" Y/N smiled leaning on the counter.

"Your mom texted me, she wants you to go to your aunts house."


"She doesn't want you to stay at a motel with us tonight. Don't worry, you'll still be able to come here but since we have to buy new furniture and it's late it's better if you sleep there"

"Okay" Y/N sighed

"If it's not too far, and if you want to you can skate there" Jimmy suggested trying to brighten the mood a bit.

"Yea, I'll do that" Y/N lightly smiled putting her phone in her pocket. "See you tomorrow Jimmy"

"See ya kid" He departed.

Y/N stepped out of the house and got on her board. She knew where her aunt lived so she didn't need directions. Y/N put music on her phone and put her earphones in as she skated. Y/N has a good relationship with her step-dad. He doesn't see Y/N as his kid. He sees her as her moms kid and doesnt have the need to try to from an actual dad type of relationship with her. Same goes for Y/N. She sees Jimmy as what he is, her step-dad. She has no need to call him dad and Jimmy is perfectly fine with that. But as for Y/N's real dad... that's a story. Her dad was always distant to her. No matter what she did he never seemed to be proud or happy for her. For that reason Y/N joined many sports and many activities just to get his attention. But no matter what, he never cared. Y/N's mom was sick of his lack of affection to the family so she divorced him. And soon after, he got eloped with a random women and Y/N hasn't heard from him since. But she didn't care, as long as her mom was happy she was.

Y/N arrived at her aunts apartment complex and stopped the skateboard. She pressed her foot on the end of it causing the board to jump up and Y/N caught it and started carrying it. She started walking towards her aunts door, when she notices a boy sitting on a bench. He seemed to noticed her and walked towards Y/N. "Hey, I've never seen you around here before." He said

"Oh, yea i just moved back to the Valley" Y/N smiled

"From where?"


"Oh, you like the cold?"

"It's okay," Y/N shrugged. "Do you live here?"

"Yea actually, right there" Miguel said pointing to his apartment door.


"Whats your name?"

"Y/N" Y/N smiled "and you?"

"Díaz... Miguel Diaz" Miguel smiled

"Well Diaz," Y/N teased. "I have to go upstairs to my aunts place, maybe I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh- ok! Bye" Miguel smiled waving at her

Y/N saluted him goodby with 3 fingers before walking to her aunts apartment door and opened it. "Ay! Mi amor!" Y/N's aunt explained hugging her. "Hey Tia, how you been?" Y/N asked.

"I've been good mija how about you?"

"I've been good too! We were able to get our old house back."

"I know, your mom told me. How's hobby searching going? Stuck with anything?"

"Well, out of everything I guess ice skating stuck, as well as skateboarding." Y/N smiled showing her aunt the board.

"That's nice, I have the guest room set up for you and dinner is ready. You had a long day and I want you to be well rested for tomorrow!"

"Thanks tia" Y/N smiled. She served herself some of the food while her aunt went into her room but not before departing goodnight. Y/N was looking at social media while eating and found something interesting. The valley had an ice skating rink that was build a few years ago. The state competition directors decided to now allow Ice Skating to compete in the valley as well as other sports.

Once Y/N was done eating she washed the dishes she dirtied and turning off the lights. She walked into the guest room and fell asleep soon after.

A/N: It personally feels weird to call my aunt, aunt instead of tia because I am Hispanic. But if you aren't Hispanic imagine Y/N's aunt a childhood best friend of Y/N's mom who we call aunt. I also chose Chicago as the location we moved to because of the cold and the ice skating but if you live in another state that has cold weather imagine it's there!

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