The Silence

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Footsteps echoed through the halls, ringing, like a memory burning, scratching inside her mind — Spinel's own footsteps — as she walked over the always glossy floors. She could see the sparkling walls, the patterns of flowers in those walls put there partly just to liven up the place, and party in memory of one who'd passed. She could see the high ceilings, and the places where gems used to be made to be wall panels. But what she couldn't see anywhere, was a gem.

"Uh, anyone here?" Spinel called out, getting only the echo of her own voice in return.

"Blue?" She tried again, getting the same response. "Yellow?" 

This was not good. Spinel was now tense, and started running, calling for White and any of the pearls who once were servants to the diamonds. The silence burned every second. Spinel ran, and ran, looking for anyone who might be around. She ran right into darkness that surrounded her, and she couldn't see where she ran in from. In this darkness, even the sound of her own steps and voice were muffled to a point where she could hardly hear herself at all, and then she found herself in someplace that though technically not as dark, was the darkest place she'd ever been in. The garden. Exactly in that one spot.

The deathly silence was more deafening than any sound could ever be, suffocating to one who didn't even need to breathe. Spinel leapt forward in desperation toward the warp pad, but she stayed in place. As much as she struggled, she would only stay in place. She tried with all her strength to scream, but no noise came out.

Then a light came from ahead, like that announcement on that day, and inside her mind, permeating everything, came the thought in her own voice:

I was just never good enough.

Spinel tried to fight the thought, because she knew better. It obviously couldn't be her fault, is what she would reason if it weren't like this. She looked down at herself, and saw she was not Spinel as she knew herself, but a huge, thorny, crooked mess of dead vines, teeth, and fur. 

Shaking, she wept bitterly, dark tears pouring down her face, more and more as she sobbed. She wept until the tears began to flood around her, reaching up until she was waist deep in her despair.


Spinel bolted upright. She was back in the palace, and she was herself. She was a little sore and uncomfortable, and her face was moist with her tears, but she was her normal self. Blue Diamond was kneeling over her, and she spoke again.

"Spinel, are you alright?" Blue asked, looking worried sick. "You were having a fit in your sleep, stirring about and crying." Then she motioned to Spinel "And you're made a mess of yourself."

Spinel looked down, and froze. To her complete mortification, her crotch was wet, made even more alarming by the fact that she'd worn a diaper to sleep, which was dry last she could recall, but was then soaked. She must've wet to the point of leaking all in what was probably just a few hours. Spinel honestly was still recoiling from the dream she had and couldn't do much more than stare wide-eyed at the wet spot, at Blue, and back again. Spinel looked up at Blue, embarrassed and overwhelmed, and tears started to form in her eyes.

"I'm not upset about the erm..." Blue gave a pause, her eyes looking upward as she searched for the words she lacked due to her limited knowledge of the inner workings of organic life. "Fluids..." She looked at Spinel. "I'm worried about you."

Spinel could remember her dream in detail. Should she even tell Blue about it? Blue came down to the floor, seeming a little uncomfortable and looking like she was unsure of what she should say next.

"Did you have a nightmare again?... About... that?" Blue asked in a low voice, maybe to avoid attracting attention, maybe to comfort Spinel — maybe both.

Spinel's focus shot to Blue, who's eyes pleaded for an answer and darted around slightly, as if searching for a better way to put it to make the question less uncomfortable. They both knew Spinel had some nightmares before, since she started sleeping. Not always, though. Many times she'd have a pleasant dream or no dream at all, but she was not new to nightmares. Particularly ones involving her time in the garden waiting for her "friend" who never intended to come back, or her first visit to Earth where she tried to destroy it and kill Steven since Pink cared about them so much.

"Yeah." She choked out. Tears began rolling slowly down her face. "A really bad one." She snuffled and breathed shuddering breaths as the tears kept pouring.

"Oh, Spinel," Blue reached her hands forward to comfort the crying little gem, gently scooping her up into cupped hands. She pondered for a moment, and Spinel thought maybe Blue would produce one of her clouds to cheer her up, or calm her down enough to explain, but surprise would hit her when Blue had a different idea.

"I will clean you up." Blue declared in the room with just the two of them.

"Yu- huh?" Spinel rasped, Knowing she would be discovered and trying to think of a way to avoid this fate, until Blue stopped. With a curious look on her face, Blue leaned in closer.

"You have something under your clothes. You'll need to shapeshift those away when we start." 

Spinel stammered out the first excuse she could think of. "Are ya sure you don't wanna just let me do it myself?" After all, gems naturally could repel any foreign substances from their bodies. It would be a lot faster.

"Of course not." Blue assured, "Nothing is too shameful when you're helping someone you love in a time of need." The statement shocked Spinel a little bit. She wasn't sure it was really that bad to warrant calling it "a time of need," but when she tried to voice her opinion, the thought got dismissed as soon at it'd come out of her mouth. Blue assured her that she was clearly very distressed and that she herself had admitted it was a worse nightmare than usual(and the fact that Steven told them that recurring nightmares are usually indicative of having deep anxieties about their subject matter didn't help Spinel's case). Spinel found that she couldn't really argue with that reasoning. Blue wanted to do something nice for her. Spinel had to at least make her aware of her situation.

"Blue, I have something to tell ya." She volunteered, pushing down her feelings of shame and anxiety in readying to give up her secret.

"What is it, Spinel?"

"The thing under my clothes..." She faltered, having second thoughts about if this was really a good idea. "It's a diaper." Blue looked puzzled, as Spinel had expected. What reason would a gem still totally separated from human things have to know about diapers? She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact.

"They're made to be absorbent," She started explaining, and fidgeting with her hands "I've been... wearing them because I like them." She balled up her hands into fists. "Guess they weren't absorbent enough for my dumb nightmare."

Blue Diamond looked sympathetic for Spinel, and gave comfort as best she could. "Does anyone else know?" Spinel shook her head. "Well, I'm glad you shared this with me" Blue began, gently guiding Spinel by her chin to face herself, "Touched, that you trusted me enough to willingly show me." She gave a pause. "Is anything special required to clean you up? I'm sorry, I wasn't really expecting this." 

Spinel nodded this time. "I have some stored in my gem, and some in Pink's old room."

Blue offered her hands again "Then we will go there, and I will clean you up."

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