Chapter Seven

Começar do início

"What's got you smiling so big?" He asked with a hint of an accent that never comes out.

"You opened your door for me." I admitted and put my head down hiding my blush, but as it went down my head was gently brought back up to face him.

"Well such a beautiful lady needs to be treated like a beautiful lady." I smiled again and felt my blush deepen. "You're blush is very sexy." He whispered huskily and put his car into drive.

"So," I said breaking the sexual silence. "no badge tonight?"

He shook his head. "No, but I do have some handcuffs, just in case."

"Do you plan on arresting me officer?"

"Well like I said just in case." He said with a wink and pulled into the parking lot of a beautiful Italian resturant. "This okay?" He asked sounding unsure again.

"Of course." This time I got out of the car by myself, and Dylan looked mad.

"Hey!" He said and crossed his arms making me laugh.

"Sorry I forgot." I walked over and grabbed his hand. Together we both walked into the restuarnt and was greeted by a man in a suit.

"Mr. Barkley! Everything is set up for you two follow me." We followed the waiter and I looked around at the beautiful lights and all the people dressed up. It was like something seen out of a movie. I continued to follow them both and look around until I ran into Dylan's back. He turned around concerned and I instantly put my head down with embarassment.

"Come on," He whispered and grabbed my hand. He led me to my chair and helped me into it before he took his own seat.

"What can I get you lovely couple to drink?" The waiter asked and I quickly looked through a menu only to stop when Dylan answered.

"Best bottle of wine." He answered and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Nice choice, Mr. Barkley." The waiter said and then left which left Dylan and I to ourselves which exited me.

"So . . . best bottle of wine, huh?" I asked and he smiled.

"It's a celebration." I raised an eyebrow and crossed my hand on the table.

"Celebration?" I asked


"I don't want to sound rude but this feels more like a date than a celebration." I watched as the heat rushed to his face and then when he smiled to cover it up.

"Whatever you want to believe, beautiful, but what if I said that I wouldn't mind if this was a date?" I laughed and was about to say something when the waiter came with our wine.

"And to eat?" He asked

"I would like a steak, rare." Dylan said then handed his menu to the waiter, they both stared at me, waiting.

"I'll just have a steak salad, thanks." I handed my menu to the waiter and he walked away. When i turned back to Dylan he was frowning. "What?"

"Just a salad." I nodded.

"Got a keep in shape." I replied and stared at my stomach which was really hungry.

"Are you kidding me, you are so perfect." I put my head down hiding the huge smile on my face.

"I don't think so." I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Well, I do." He whispered back and took my hand.

"So," I said again wanting an answer to my last question. "Date or celebration?" I asked and feared his answer.

"What do you think?" He said with a smirk and leaned over and surprised me by kissing me straight on the lips. It felt good and I couldn't help but moan. When he pulled away my lips and body craved so much more.

"Yeah I think this is just a celebration." I said and listened to him laugh.

"Me too." At that time the waiter came around with are food, and the rest of the night was like that. Talking and joking around that is, he didn't kiss me but he kept holding my hand at the middle of the table.

A hour later I was full and leaned back in my seat. "Are you ready to go Ri?" I smiled at the nickname he used with me, and nodded.

Dylan payed our check and we walked out into the chilly night together. I was shivering cold when I felt warmth around my shoulders. It was Dylan's jacket.

"Thanks." I said while chattering my teeth.

"Welcome beautiful." He helped me into the car before getting to his own side and with a smile he drove away. The car ride was silent and I felt like there was this tension between us. Could it be sexual tension?

Finally after what felt like hours, we arrived at my scuzzy, gross apartmen which right now had drug dealers hanging outside of it. I was kind of scared to go, especially dressed the way I was.

I think Dylan sensed my fear because he grabbed my hand and tried to comfort me. "Is it okay if I walk you in?" I nodded and together we got out of the car and walked inside. Both of us ignored the wolf whistles I got and the rude comments. Finally we made it inside and we were standing outside my door. I realized that i really didn't want Dylan to leave me.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I smiled at his concern.

"I'll be okay." I whispered and watched as he slowly leaned in, his eyes were on my lips the whole time, and when he pressed them to mine, my world caught on fire. I moaned and he took the opportunity to take entrance into my mouth. As our tongues caught against each other I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his hips. He pushed my back against the door and I pulled away for air, but he didn't stop as he traveled his mouth down to my neck and began sucking on my sensitive spot on my neck.

"Keys." He whispered huskily and I tried my best to pull them out of my purse, but I was having a hard time when Dylan began running his fingers up my thighs and softly stroked my panties.

"Dylan. I. have. keys" I couldn't think straight and decided just to give him the keys. He took them quickly and put them in the door and when I heard it unlock I sighed in relief.

He carried my in and shut the door behind us before slamming me into the door. I moaned with pleasure aned had my hands at his jeans when he suddenly stiffened and stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked out of breath. Didn't he want me anymore.

That's when I noticed it. My apartment was trashed, every object I owned was ripped and on the floor. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled and wiggled out of Dylan's grip. "Who would do this?" I heard him asked and I turned around to find him investigating my apartment like it was a crime scene. Well, I guess it was a crime scene.

"Well it's not like I live in the safest neigborhood, Dylan."

"Is there anything missing?" I looked around at my trashed apartment and shook my head.

"I didn't have much, but it doesn't look like it." He paused and took another glimpse around.

"Pack your stuff your staying with me tonight."


"No buts, just go." I nodded and went to my bedroom and packed what wasn't ripped on my bedroom floor which was a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Nice. Real Nice.

I picked them up and walked out to Dylan who was investigating.

"Dylan it's nothing." I said while flipping my hair out of my face.

"Okay, let's just get out of here." He said and he was starting to worry me. I mean why was he investigating I lived in a shitty apartment surrounded by hookers and drug dealers, so who cares. I was bound to get robbed some time. I just needed to know what was going on.

I sighed at my wrecked apartment before turning out the lights and shutting the door. The only thing I was absolutely sure of was that Dylan would protect me no matter what.

A/N How was that? Comment, vote, fan! Btw I found a actress for RIley Drum roll please! *Drum roll ;)* Serinda Swan! I find her to be so beautiful and the perfect fit for Riley! If we have any theory of a deadman fans reading this she is the girl in their music video so happy. Now I'm just looking for a Dyaln if there are any fans out there who have any ideas message me. Oh and I'm also looking for a new cover for the book if anybody wants to help me out there! Thanks luv ya guys



Wanting Officer BarkleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora