The blond in response ended up breaking concentration falling into the water below.

Covering your mouth quickly as laughter wanted to leave you watched the two snap their attention over, a small wave was given from your end.

Reaching into the water once more you picked up another ball of water, an action that caught both their attention in an instant.

"Wait! How did you do that?!" Shouting from where he remained above the surface Joseph's brows were raised seeing you hold the ball of water so effortlessly, water- as far as his knowledge- was one of the hardest things to use ripple on so seeing you hold it so easily blew his mind.

"Yeah?! And why'd you throw it at me?!" Popping out of the water Caesar wiped away what remained in his eyes turning to look at where you stood, his hair was thoroughly drenched and now hung downwards.

Passing the water orb between your hands you spared the two a smile, "I just did it, not sure how but I can do it now! And also I just wanted to!" Tossing the ball you had over towards Joseph you watched him move to catch it, the item in response just popped much like when it hit Caesar dousing him.

Already concentrating enough to remain atop the water, Joseph made an attempt to kneel down, dipping his hands past the surface. Green hues flickered towards where you stood amongst the water chatting with Caesar for a second or two.

If you could do it then why couldn't he.

That was the logic he used and you know what- it wasn't all that bad. He ended up being able to pick up a small section watching as the surface twitched and spasmed but held its shape. Winding his arm back the man flung the ball forward watching it break apart as soon as it made contact with you, the water now dripped down your face.

"Did you just-" Cutting yourself off your eyes right away went towards Joseph seeing the way his brows arched in a way that led you to believe he was smirking. "This mean's war you know-" Pointing that out loudly you wasted no time in making another 'coverless' water balloon, chucking it right away.

"War?! You started it!" Ending up dropping into the water he retaliated by beginning to throw his own version of the water blobs, a full on water fight now breaking out between the two of you.

"I threw one at Caesar first! You asked how I made them and I threw one to show-" "You made it explode when I touched it!" Laughing in response to what he'd cut you off with your words suddenly reminded you of the blond, his presence had completely disappeared once the water fight had started.

Pausing in your 'water balloon' assault your eyes dragged themselves across the waters surface trying to spot the form of Caesar, you failed to notice him disappear earlier and now felt silly.

Opening your mouth to speak nothing came out as you felt yourself rise up out of the water, hands wrapped themselves around your legs and once you were fully out you could see that you'd been put on the blonds shoulders.

"Forgot about me? Mi Cara?" Musing that out he looked up towards you seeing the way your face tinted a faint rosy hue.

"I didn't. You just disappeared for a second." Right away firing back with that you reached down threading your fingers between his hair for a second, the result of which was you swiping his headband quickly tying it around your own head.

"Caesar! You love sick idiot! She's robbing you blind!." Jokingly yelling that out Joseph raised a hand pointing towards the headband now wrapped around your head, a laugh once again left your lips in response.

Looking up at you once more Caesar sent you a playful smile, "Well I can always let her wear it if I get something in ret-" "In your dreams casanova. I don't know where those lips have been." Cutting him off right away Caesar let out a long sigh, "Guess it was a one time thing then mi amore?"

"That's fine. I'll just have to wait for the perfect time."

Using that as his moment of distraction Caesar leaned back causing the both of you to fall into the water with a big splash.

Dropping himself down into the water Joseph made his way over towards where you and Caesar were, the brunette beginning to feel left out till he watched you pop out of the water with a shriek.

"Joseph, JoJo, big man- please-" Calling out to the brunette breaths of air separated the words before yet another shriek left your lips. "Caesar's poking me!" Practically hollering that out and making an attempt to evade the blond, Joseph was able to put two and two together figuring out that you must've been ticklish.

"And what would I get out of that?" Raising a brow and folding his arms the brunette watched you splash around the water's surface, he didn't actually want anything- it was more in a playful manner if anything- but if what you offered was worthwhile then he'd certainly keep that thought to himself.

"I don't know! But please- anything."

Maybe he would take up the opportunity.

"What about a kiss?" At that he watched you sputter out various 'sures' simply trying to evade your blond companion. Reaching out the brunette took a hold of your hand pulling you over quickly, his other arm had moved to curl around you in a protective manner as Caesar popped out of the water.

"JoJo- how could you?!" Feigning a hurt expression Caesar eyed the brunette then looked towards where you were, he couldn't help but play along with what was happening deciding that it would be better than returning to training. "Not only do you come here and try to outshine me, but you steal my girl?! Unforgivable."

Shifting you to the side Joseph patted his hands together, "Stand aside babe. I'll handle this." Faking the action of cracking his knuckles Joseph followed right after by sending a splash towards Caesar. The blond right away firing back with his own small wave.

With an misaimed splash you'd ended up joining the two once more, the three of you becoming utterly drenched while laughing amongst one another.

Watching from the shore Loggins had his arms crossed though no words left the man, his eyes remained fixed on the trio in an attempt to decipher why the three of you were able to meaninglessly use ripple for something such as a water fight.

"They're learning quickly." Turning his head towards who'd spoken his eyes fell upon Lisa Lisa, the woman also having been standing to the side observing the trio.

She appeared calm, merely just watching the trio like he had been, although a gentle smile was stretched out across her lips.

Although there was a small time frame for Joseph to learn hamon she found that the three of you tended to learn easiest through experience.


Yall I got my covid booster shot yesterday and have been feeling like ass all day ;-; almost fainted at work too (That's a me thing though yall don't be scared to get your shots if you want em)

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