I flash over to the city and Terminus just looks at me. "My old friend, how are you?" I ask him as I casually walk towards him. 

"They're going to die. All of them. Please, spare the few that still survive. Have mercy." Terminus says. 

"Mercy? Oh no. I am not allowed to show mercy to these children in particular. And as soon as this war is over, monsters will go out and hunt down very last demigod and descendant. There won't be any left." I inform him with a smirk. 

"No!" He pleads. "Who are you?" 

"An old friend. An old praetor. An old soldier. An old hero. Once loved by all. Now loved by few. Betrayed and broken. Now I'm back with an all new attitude. And I'm here to kill off the gods. You're one of them." I say. 

"Perseus? Perseus Jackson?" Terminus asks hopefully. 

"How'd you guess?" I ask and laugh menacingly. I point my sword at him. "Oh my, it seems your view on me has now changed. I intend on making you fade. You will not reform. The time of the gods, is over. A new era will dawn and the age of many will begin." 

"Humans will die by the hundreds!" Terminus argues. 

"I'm not that stupid." I spit. "I have already taken care of that. Humans will be protected. I have made them all swear on that. My brothers will take over the domains for which they were born and others will take over domains."

"What's in it for you?" Terminus asks in defeat. "What power do you want?" 

"All I want at the end of this war, is the pleasure of seeing Olympus in shambles, torn apart, smoking, and marred by my own two hands. I don't want power, I want justice. Too long have the gods wrongly accused many and punished them unfairly. I'm here to put an end to that. Justice is my honor to carry out. I have already begun the elimination process. I've murdered so many gods before this war even started, I am that unsettling presence you have all been feeling lately. Not to mention losing so many gods and goddesses in record time. I mean, the balance has already been thrown out the window. I had to absorb their blood to keep it there so we could assign their roles to new deities. Evil gods who have turned. And every time I go to kill, I come back with at least one new ally." I tell him. 

"So I see." Terminus wilts. 

"There is one thing I know about you, border god. You won't give up on these children. Especially since there are more in another encampment and soon they will all lie dead or in the stomachs of my soldiers. You did today, for you will not surrender." I say. 

"No, you are right. And I only ask one favor. One favor as I say how I am so very sorry for what happened to you. I did not know until a few demigods asked about your disappearance and were told you had to die so that they all could live and you did it willingly. I knew better than they did. So did Reyna, but she is stuck inside this camp due to immortality. Was stuck. So I ask one thing." Terminus becomes stone like again. 

"Very well, border god. Name it." I nod at him. 

"Burn shrouds for them. All of them." Terminus says. 

"It shall be done." I promise. 

"Thank you. I still believe that there is something of the old you left." He smiles a little at me. 

I pierce his heart with my sword. "That may be, but it is very dormant. Rest now, old friend and enjoy the afterlife of the faded gods."

He shimmers and something drops into my hand. I inspect it and find a smaller version of his entire statue on a silver cord. A pendant. Of Terminus. I close my hand around it and look up. "Goodbye, border god." I whisper and the pendant glows warm. I feel something enter me and I gasp as I become patron to a new domain. I feel New Rome's border and bring it down. I put the pendant around my neck and hide it underneath my armor. 

Is This The End Perseus?(Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now