Looking under

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~ Crew on the plane ~
"Isn't that one of ours?" I ask and point at the plane in the sky. My name is Luke and I'm a cook on the ship. The guys around me nod. And then... It's gone. "Guys we have to do something!! He's been shot down!!" We sail to the plane wreck and there's blood everywhere. "We have to get him out!! I'll look under the water." I jump in the water with a medic guy called Aaron.  He's not conscious so we have a hard time getting him out of the plane. When we finally get him out of the water and Aaron starts to put pressure on the gunshot wound I can finally see who it is. It's Major Danny Walker.

~ Evelyn ~
It's 2 pm and Danny is still not home... He was supposed to leave by 8 am and be here by 1 pm... I have a feeling something is wrong and I have to go to the radio station and find Major Jackson who I helped during the Pearl Harbor attack.
"Major Jackson do you have any idea where Major Danny Walker is??" I ask when I find him. "He was supposed to be home by 1pm." He shakes his head. "No I'm sorry Captain Johnson, I'll ask inside what they know."

I sit down on a bench, waiting for him to come back but that never happens. A medic plane lands on the field and I go there with a bad feeling. The first man out has lost a leg and is in really bad shape with 3 medics around him. The next one is a medic and then Danny on a gurney with 2 medics yelling over his living body. "Danny!?" I scream with my hands in front of my mouth. The medics stop yelling and rush him to the hospital. I follow them and scream for Sandra and Barbara when we arrive. They come rushing out to help and we realise he's been shot in his right shoulder. He's unconcious at the moment but he will feel the pain in a short time.

We have just stabilised him on a table and are ready to operate and give him morfin when he starts to move. He opens his eyes and looks at me with pain. He's shaking. "I, I, I, I'm, m so, co, co, col, col, cold." I nod with tears in my eyes. "I know Danny, but everything is gonna be alright, okay? I promise you that. Everything is gonna be alright." He nods shakingly. And I give him a peck on the nose. I tell Barbara to give him the morfin and then the doctors start to operate the bullet out.

Evelyn Walker (Pearl Harbor) D.WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now