Looking back

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17th May 1942
It's the 17th May. It's been 29 days since the mission. Since Rafe died. Not a day goes by where I don't see his lifeless eyes in my mind... They haunt me, makes me remember that I owe him everything. My life, my girlfriend and somehow even my unborn child... If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here to meet my child and I wouldn't be here to propose to Evelyn. I owe him everything...

It's mid may and everything is changed at Pearl Harbor. A silence has hit the Island. Neither Evelyn or me have been near the harbor. We just can't face the cruelty that took so many from us. I just got home a week ago after Doolittles mission and we held Rafe's funeral yesterday. Both Evelyn and I are broken, but we will stand by eachother like the last time. I am on my way home from the army base since I just got my medal and a promotion after the mission... I'm now major instead of Captain. There will be held some sort of ceremony for us later this week. Everyone who attended the mission will be promoted. Red and Goose will be promoted to Captain. I carry Rafes medal in my pocket, I can't look at it without crying.

I reach the small house we live in. Sandra and Barbara still lives at the nurses house. and Red and Gooz lives at the same pilot house with the squad by the army airforce base. Barbaras boyfriend Billy died during the Pearl Harbor attack. When I get inside the house I can hear water running, I follow the sound to the outside and find a beautiful very pregnant Evelyn filling a watering can with water for our indoor flowers. She smiles and stands up when she sees me. "You look so good in your uniform" I blush a little which just gets worse when she looks at my new medal. I grab her by the waist and kiss her forehead. Her hands are on my chest, one of her hands fumbling with the medals. "Rafe should have gotten his too..." I say, "he would do anything to be the hero" She looks up at me and give me a teary smile. "Somehow he still was, wasn't he?" I nod and look down... He really was. He saved my life and made sure that I got home to the love of my life and our child. She moves her arms to my neck and kiss me. I kiss her back with passion. And grab her even closer with my hands on her waist.

Evelyn Walker (Pearl Harbor) D.WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now