Looking around

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I stand straight while listening to the speeches given at the ceremony.
Doolittle is the first to go.
" We're all here today, gathered to honor the fallen ones. Both in war, the Pearl Harbor bombing and the mission I was in charge of. During that mission I lost 11 men. Theo Ripley, Rafe Mccawley and Anthony Fusco died while flying or landing and 8 has been captured by the Japanese army. May God be with them all. When my eyes look around I see many unknown faces. Welcome to the army, you will be needed in this World war. But I also see many known faces. Faces that have lost their family, children, partners, parents and best friends. "

The last two words he says while locking his eyes with mine. Giving his support in this terrible situation. He then continues.

" Therefore I would like to promote the survivals from the group that went with me to Tokyo and bombed Japan.
The promoted are:
- Aron Williams to Captain
- Brad Hoover to Captain
- Benjamin Jones to Captain
- Carl Holstrom to Captain
- Danny Walker to Major

They have also all received a medal dead, captured or alive. "

I look down to my chest and see the medal he just mentioned, I owe that medal to Rafe. He threw himself in front of a gun and took 3 bullets for me... Rafes medal was still in my pocket.

Another man stands up and give a speech ending with James Doolittle being double promoted to brigadier general and getting the Medal of Honor from the president.
Then a whole lot of people receive medals and stuff like that and last we come to the nurses, I know that Evelyn is going to be promoted to Captain which she doesn't even know herself.

I look around to find her and see her standing proud and pregnant in her uniform. We almost couldn't button the jacket and it's stretched all out. She's unbelieveably beautiful standing there in the sun, looking up to the men giving speeches. She suddenly looks away and notices me looking at her. I smile and grins a little. She smiles back obviously aware that I was staring her down.

Major Jackson is the one to give the last speech.
- I know how much the nurses do. I was actually saved by one myself. She did something I have never seen anyone else be brave enough to do. As a thank you for saving my life during a time where she was handling loosing one of her best friends in the attack. I would like to promote the nurse Evelyn Johnson to Captain and congratulate her on being pregnant. Thank you.

I look at her throughout his entire speech and see how she glows more and more.

Almost everyone who survived the Pearl Harbor attack got some kind of medal, promotion or thank you.

Evelyn Walker (Pearl Harbor) D.WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now