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I woke up to someone knocking on my door. I yawned and slowly walked at it when suddenly, Jubel bashed in and grabbed my shoulders.

"(Y/n) wake up! You need to get ready before the people come!" He says and I nod at him.

"Alright, alright. I'll get ready." I say and turn to pick my outfit.

After a fresh bath, I get ready and put my make-up on.

A knock is heard and I let them come in.

"(Y/n)-chan! Should I wear this or this?" Yona enters with a pair of dresses. One being yellow and the other being orange. I point at the yellow one and she disappears in a hurry.

"Why do I have a feeling this will be a long night?" I sigh as I finish styling my hair.

I walk down to see everyone hurrying around the place and I chuckle.

"You all should relax. If you become so stressed you'll end up doing a mistake." I say for everyone to hear and they all take deep breaths to calm down. Even Kaya.

"Oi, (Y/n)!" Kaya calls me out and I turn to her.

"I'm calling dibs on the head." She shyly says and I chuckle.

"Alright. I'll take someone else." I say and walk away to help others.


Do you know the best way for a weirdo to not choose you? You just hide until a good-looking weirdo appears.

I hid in the kitchen as a huge group of men entered. They all walked to the huge rooms at the back of the shop while chatting and I peeked from the kitchen. My eyes landed on a familiar purple kimono and butterflies flew in my stomach.

'At least I won't be bored tonight.' I think and someone taps on my shoulder.

"Your customer is here too. I think you'll be pretty comfortable." The boss politely says and I nod.

After a while, they call the women to serve everyone's sake, and that's where the choosing begins.

We all walk into sight of men who seemed uninterested in choosing a woman.

"I like her! Come and serve me!" I recognize him as Hitotsubashi Nobunobu, the head Kaya was calling dibs on as he points towards me.

I push Kaya, who was standing right beside me and she walks to him.

"Tch! No, the other one with (E/c) eyes and (H/c) color!" He scolds and suddenly we all hear someone bang their glass against the table.

"That one's mine." Takasugi's voice warns Nobunobu and I look at him.

"Friend Takasugi! It's okay to share a woman once in a while right? Let me have her for a drink." Nobunobu laughs and says.

"Apologies as it is not my place to speak. Is it okay for me to decide?" I boldly intervene. Knowing my head will be rolling if I said anything wrong.

"Go ahead then! I like women who take the initiative to solve problems." Nobunobu happily says, thinking I'll choose him and not Takasugi because he is the highest authority here.

"Apology to the other if he feels offended." I deeply bow and walk towards Takasugi and sit beside him.

Everyone stares at me in shock as Takasugi smirks.

"Is there a specific reason?" Nobunobu asks and I shake my head.

"My friend Kaya wanted to serve the Lord, So I didn't want to intervene," I say and Nobunobu starts laughing.

||COMPLETED||His Woman [A Short Gintama Story] Takasugi Shinsuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now