Mini-Story Mafia AU (Part 2)

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I weave through the halls of the mansion, looking for any sign of an intruder. Finally, I see a suspicious figure dark around a corner. The person is wearing all black, a mask pulled up over their face, and clutching something in their hand.

My eyebrows narrow and I bolt after the person.

Once I caught up with them, I swept their feet from out under them and held my gun to their temple.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"No one of importance." They day and I frown. The voice sounds familiar.

"Why are you here?" I ask, fingering the trigger.

The person shrugs nonchalantly, "Just to grab something that belongs to the boss."

"Who's your boss?"

"Someone important."

Just as I'm about to ask another question, the person runs. I quickly run after them and grab their arm. The person yanks out of my grip and throws a punch, which I easily block.

They throw a few punches, and I counter every single one. Time to go on the offense.

I direct a kick at their chest, and they stumble, air wheezing out of their lungs. I then quickly throw a couple of punches and pin them to the floor.

Before they can say anything, I rip their mask off.


"Hey Y/n/n." Emmie replies, smirking, "How ya doing?"

I groan and I clip my walkie-talkie,"I caught the intruder." I say.

"Nickels?" Race replies, "Who was it?"

"No one important." I say, stilling holding Emmie down, "Just someone wanting to reap off of our benefits. I'm gonna take them back to their gang, and have a chat with the leader. Expect me back later."

"Alright." Race's voice comes through, "Just be safe."

"I will." I click the walkie-talkie off and turn back to Emmie, "Come on." I say, "Let's get you back to Conlon."

Hey guys!! So sorry, but there was an issue with Wattpad that I just noticed now. Apparently, the REAL second part to the story didn't upload, so it wasn't available to you guys. This is just a really short chapter to kinda catch you all up with the story. (This was not proof-read) SO SORRY!!!!

Nickels (Spot Conlon x reader) {Completed}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя