Mini-Story Mafia AU (Part 4)

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Last chapter!!

Warning: slight cursing

Every week, I would make up an excuse to sneak out of the mansion and see Spot. I would head to the Brooklyn Mafia- Spot had given an order to let me in immediately- and Spot and I would talk. We had agreed to take it slow, unlike last time. Sometimes Spot would take me on dates, but I insisted on not going to anywhere lavish or expensive. I wanted us to be as close to a normal couple as possible. The problem was that sense we already had sex, we knew what we were missing. Spot and I would find ourselves in intimate situations and have to restrain ourselves from doing anything more.

A bigger problem was that the Manhattan boys were getting suspicious.

I had hardly ever left the house, so when I started leaving weekly, they started to suspect something was up. I made excuses, like I had finally found a friend outside of the mansion or I wanted to go to the grocery store.

Eventually, right before I am going to visit Spot, Race and Crutchie pull me over.

"Jack wants to see you." Race says, crossing his arms.

"Can it wait?" I ask, jerking a thumb behind me, "I kinda have somewhere to be."

"That's actually what it's about." Crutchie says.

I look between them, glaring slightly. Once I realize that they aren't going to let me go, I huff and shove pass them. I stomp to Jack's office, Race and Crutchie trailing behind me, talking in hushed whispers.

I knock on Jack's door, but barge in without an answer. "You called?" I snark.

"Yes, Y/n/n." Jack doesn't look up from his papers, "I did." Davey sits in the chair opposite, looking over papers.

"Well?" I tap my foot impatiently, "What do you want?"

"Alright." Jack slams his hands down on his desk and stands, making Davey jump, "What the hell has gotten into you?" He walks around his desk and leans against it, "You were completely fine until the intruder showed up. You came home seeming a little sad. We all brushed it off. Then, the next week, you leave the house. You hardly ever leave the grounds! We thought it was something simple, but it kept happening! We just want to look out for you. We're your family, Y/n. Just tell us what's going on. Please."

Jack looks heartbroken and betrayed. I look at Race, Davey, and Crutchie. So do they.

"Do we have to beat someone up or...?" Jack tries to guess what's wrong.

"No." I swallow the harsh lump in my throat, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I-uh met someone."

"Ah." Davey smirks, "That explains it."

I nod awkwardly, rubbing my hands on my pants. "Can I go... or?" I ask.

"Ha!" Race laughs sarcastically, "No." He deadpans.

"When are we going to meet this person?" Jack asks coyly.

"Never." I say immediately.

"Aw, come on." Crutchie whines, "We have to intimidate them! It's our job!" He smiles.

"Yeah, no. Anyway... I'm gonna go." I try and push past Race, but he takes my shoulders and turns me back around.

"Yeah, no." He mocks me, "Call up your lover, and we're going to have a little chat with them."

I growl, "No." I jerk out of Race's grip.

"Y/n." Jack warns, "We have to make sure that this person is a good fit."

"You don't get to control my love life!" I say, throwing my hands in the air, "Only I get to know if the person is a good fit or not!"

The argument is interrupted by Jack's intercom buzzing. "Boss?" Mush's voice comes through crystal clear, "Uh... we have a situation."

Nickels (Spot Conlon x reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now