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Hello my friends! Well, we've made it! The end of the story!!!! Isn't this exciting? You've made it! I would just like to thank you all for reading this all the way through and being so nice! I would also like to thank my friends aspxen and Geekmerp22 for being so supportive and pushing me through this all! Now, on with the story!!

5 years later

"Jackie boy!" I squealed, jumping into his broad arms, "I missed you!"

Jack laugh, and I took a step back to look at my friend. He was still wearing his newsie cap, but as a manager of a factory, the rest of his wardrobe had to upgrade. He was quickly becoming famous with the underclass as he gave good wages and reasonable times. He did this because understood what it was like to be overworked with little pay.


My sister gathered me into her arms, and said, "Congratulations Y/n! I'm so sorry I couldn't be here for either of your big events!"

"It's alright, Kat." I smiled at her, hugging her once more before moving on to the next person.

"And Davey! Congratulations on your job!" I hugged Davey next, squeezing him tightly. He had recently gotten a job as a schoolteacher and was pursuing his dream for opening a school for newsies.

"Thanks Y/n/n." He muttered, squeezing me back.

"Oh my god." I said, spotting someone over his shoulder, "Emmie?"

Davey let me go, and I slowly walked toward my younger brother, who I hadn't seen in five years. He was limping, but upright and walking. Les was at his arm, supporting him. They'd both grown to be such handsome, strong young men.

"Hey Y/n." He smiled slowly. I wasn't sure how he'd react to me after I ran away, but when he opened his arms in welcoming, I ran straight into them. He hugged me tightly and I let a few tears escape.

"I missed you." I whispered.

"I missed you too."

After I hugged Les and teased them about their relationship (that they had to keep hidden from father), and congratulated Les on his promotion to the top of the Manhattan newsies, we walked back towards the house.

Spot leaned against the doorway of our shared house, laughing and catching up with Jack and Davey.

"Hey Darlin'" Spot threw an arm around my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my temple. Emmie fake-gagged behind my back. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So, dis is where yous ran away ta?" Jack asked, stepping into Spot and I's house.

"Yep." Spot looked around proudly.

After we caught a train out of New York, we headed towards Chicago, where Spot continued his newsboy career. He quickly rose to the top, as his name apparently traveled all the way to the Midwest. I, however, got job as a journalist, like Kat. Soon after we moved, we got eloped. We saved up some money, and moved to the suburbs. Spot got a real job as a clerk, while I switched to a receptionist for a big company.

Then, I got pregnant.

Spot was ecstatic. He immediately wrote to Jack and Emmie and told them the news. After a couple letters back and forth, Jack, Kat, Davey, Les, and Emmie decided to come visit.

And then, the baby came.

It was a girl and the King of Brooklyn became a big softie.

Spot spoiled our little girl and I often found him cuddling her on the small couch we owned. I never thought that a child could bring out a completely different side of him.

"We named her Kathrine." I whispered, standing over her cradle.

The adult Kathrine immediately teared up and hugged me tightly, "Thank you." She choked out.

I smiled and hugged her back. The boys were looking at baby Kathrine in awe. I never expected these men to become quiet over a child.

"Do you want to hold her?" I smirked at them.

Jack looked at me with wide eyes, "You would trust me wid your child?"

I laughed and picked up baby Kathrine. (who I shall be calling Kathrine and the adult, Kat from now on.)

"Here." I placed Kathrine in Jack's arms and he stiffened up.

"Hey man," Spot said over his shoulder, "Just relax." At Spot's words, Jack slowly loosened up, and the other boys crowded around him.

After Emmie, Kat, Davey, and Les all got to hold Kathrine, I put her back into her cradle.

Spot leaned over me as the rest of our friends converged in our small kitchen.

"Do you regret it?" He asked, a hand on my shoulder as we watched our daughter sleep.

"Regret what?" I whispered.

"Running away with me."

I turned back to him, my arms around his shoulders and his around my waist.

"Not one bit." I said, before pressing a kiss to his lips.


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