Chapter 26

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Mom and Dad showered and got into their own clothes while I hop-limped around to thank Marilyn, Sleuth, Buzzie, Antoadia, Hogman, and even the Slimendiggers for their help. Tuk got busy printing a new screw for my foot.

Dad and I are next to each other at the galley table. Mom sits across. Tuk's standing in the hall staring at us blankly. We're at sixty five thousand feet. The ship's on cruise control for the seven hour flight home. We're eating the last of the strawberries from a bowl on the table.

When the cargo ramp opened for Hogman, Captain Bo didn't care that the three steps down from the landing pad when the cargo ramp were damaged. When I asked how they were going to get him down the gangplank, she said a crane was on its way, and the only way to get him off the ship.

"I think I'll miss Marilyn the most." I say, with a wave of sadness that washes over me.

"But summer on the tundra is your favorite time of year." Mom says, cupping my chin. "You love foraging for mushrooms, roots and wild berries with Aana, fishing with Taata, and exploring with Mig," she pauses, and reaches over to push the hair from my eyes. "I'm counting on you,and Tuttuk to help us count polar bear cubs in the arctic wildlife refuge," and reaches for a berry.

I nod and smile.

" more Red Dragons in the strait this summer, thanks to you and Tuttuk!" Dad says, and wraps his arm around my shoulder squeezing me into his side. "Your mother and I couldn't be more proud." He says, kissing the top of my head.

"You can spend more time in the lab." I grin.

"And work on thawing techniques after cryo-preservation," Mom adds. "Dad's been on the verge of a breakthrough...we might be able to reverse the extinction soon."

"We've got a lot to learn, if we succeed, and I'm not only talking about animals,but plants too." Dad says, and pops a berry in his mouth.

"There could be environmental benefits with de-extinction. We might even reverse damaged and threatened ecosystems." Mom adds.

Tuk licks his lips and says,"De-extinction could have unforeseen consequences that cannot be anticipated."

Mom nods. "Yes, but--"

"De-extinction could cause more species to go extinct," Tuk says, cutting her off."And create new diseases, force new animals to live in captivity,and may not be beneficial to environments."

"You're right Tuttuk." Mom agrees with a frown, reaching for another berry.

"Plus we've got to preserve more habitats, and restore environments and ecosystems." I add.

"First we've got to end the big boil, once and for all." Dad says.

"You make climate change sound like an infection, Frank." Tuk says.

"It is a sort of infection, isn't it?" Mom asks, "An infection of the that we humans caused."

Tuk looks forlorn, and says, "I did not consider that. To help endangereds, humans must reverse the big boil," and adds with a stomp, "androids have feelings."

"Absolutely right Tuttuk." Dad says. "It's taken decades, but we are getting it under control," then changes the subject. "I think we ought to invite Woka for a visit." Dad suggests. "If he's such a wiz with droids, he can help me diagnose Tuttuk. Heck, Woka could probably teach me a thing or two."

"Woka is nice....I like Woka." Tuk says in his monotone.

"What about this weekend?" Mom asks. "Before spring break is over."

My eyes gowide. "Really? I mean, sure, yeah." I grin. "I'll call him right now!" I reply, getting up.

"Not so fast,young lady," Mom says, raising her hands. "We need to call Aana and Taata first. They've got to be worried sick about you...I can't believe Aana actually let you two go off to catch that wicked man and his idiot droid."

My heart starts to race with dread, my breathing instantly shallow. Aana's going to hate me. I'm sure of it. "What time is it at home anyway?" I ask, hoping it's way too late, or way too early to call.

"At this moment in Wales, it is eleven thirty, last night." Tuk reports.

"That's so weird. You sure?" I ask.

He nods. "We are flying backwards in time, against the earth's rotation."

Dad nods, and Mom says, "Aana's a night owl. Tootega, call Aana's house."

I hold my breath the few seconds before Aana's face appears in the lightscreen,my heart pounding.

Aana's puffing her pipe on the couch in her living room, next to Taata asleep. His head is flopped forward on his chest. When she sees Mom and Dad, she grabs the pipe from her mouth and exclaims, "Virginia! Frank! Alive in Russia?"

I take a deep breath and blurt, "I lied...I never went to visit Woka. Tuk and I took the AEV to catch White Wolf." I sputter.

Mom turns from the lightscreen and scowls, "You lied?"

Looking straight at mom, "I'm sorry." I say, my mouth drooping, and turning to the lightscrren, "I'm sorry," to Aana. "I had to lie. It was the only way Tuk and I could do what we had to do. I couldn't tell you the truth. You wouldn't have let us go and I didn't want you to worry."

"She saved us!" Dad says with a huge smile, and squeezes my shoulder hard. "And they saved the last pangolins!"

Aana turns to nudge Taata to wake up. "Taata, look! Frank and Virginia, ALIVE!"

"Mig was the one who found Mom and Dad." I say.

"One clever little arctic fox you got." Taata says, rubbing his eyes.

"Luki caught White Wolf too," Tuk adds.

"Luki?!"Aana and Taata exclaim in unison.

"Those Inupiaq skills come in handy, huh?" Taata grins.

I nod. "And the acousti-gun."

"Your lie does not matter." Aana says smiling. "There is no pain from your falsehood because the outcome is magnificent."

"Extra-ordinary!"Taata shouts.

I nod.

"You are veryl ucky." Aana smiles. "We will celebrate this weekend..."

"The whole village!" Taata adds.

"On your way home now?" Aana asks.

"Touch down will be six hours and forty three minutes." Tuk says.

"Time enough to sleep..." Taata says, "...we wake to see you in the morning...and I'll make doughnuts!"

"Plenty of time to hear how you and Tuttuk pulled this off." Dad says.

Clasping her hands together Aana smiles wide, "Oh and hearing, Luki, paniga...Nuwa has a new song you will love, I'm sure of it!"

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