Chapter 26

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Beginning of Season 4. Or at least, my Season 4.

Possibly the chapter I am most proud of. At the least, it definitely has finally gotten to the parts of the story where I enjoyed creating and twisting these characters and settings into what I wanted.

However, if there is something I did wrong, please review. I read every single one.

For Example: A very big thank you to mary oel for your kind review of the previous chapter.

Bellamy had always assumed that TriKru had gotten its name from the forest it was submerged in. The village of Manassas corrected this for him, showing why Indra's tribe was known as the People of the Woods.

Where TonDc had been ruins of a great city, the epicenter for the warrior tribe, Manassas embraced the forest. The only trees that had been torn down were to provide a small clearing for training and gathering. Circling this clearing, built around and within the trees, TriKru's buildings hovered above the ground.

Their stay was planned for two nights, originally giving them a full day to explore Indra's home village and two to travel leisurely to and from. Clarke had agreed until Nyko had begun asking for medical tricks Arkadians knew and she'd begun asking about building techniques and the farmland they'd seen on the ride in. That was when Clarke had pulled Bellamy aside, insisting they couldn't miss an opportunity to trade information with their first trade partners and he'd consented to summoning Kane and Monty.

"So much for a vacation," grumbled Bellamy. Clarke had looked at him sheepishly, but still continued her discussion with Indra and Nyko.

Harper had radioed back saying Monty was out scouting for farmland on Arkadia and wouldn't be able to make it before nightfall, so it seemed he and Clarke would have one night of rest before the meeting between Arkadia and TriKru began. This didn't stop Clarke from going through medical procedures with Nyko and discussing with the healer ideas about managing the Mount Weather hospital.

Unable to contribute to the conversation, Bellamy wandered the village, marveling at the tree structures and watching a training exercise from afar. Manassas Village was so much different than the other settlements Bellamy had come across. This was where families stayed and raised their young, where young soldiers prepared to join TriKru's warriors. It felt like a home even to an outsider.

"Ryder will not be happy to discover an outsider observing his recruits."

Bellamy looked around to find the owner of the voice. Unable to do so, he looked up and spotted a young woman peering down at him from the structure built into the tree he'd been leaning against.

"Ryder would have to take that up with Indra." Bellamy was proud of his aptitude for Trigedasleng when it was clear the woman had understood him.

She jumped down, landing beside him and flicking her braided brown hair over her shoulder. "Gaia did mention the Arkadians had learned our language, I'd heard the pronunciations were too difficult for your space tongues."

Bellamy chuckled, "I don't know a Gaia, but I will say our tongues have managed just fine."

"Good to hear," smirked the woman. "Gaia is Indra's daughter, you'll meet her tonight, I'm sure."

"Who are you?"

"Tisha. And you're the Mountain Vanquisher."

Bellamy hated that title, nearly as much as Clarke loathed Commander of Death. It diminished the pain they'd had to tackle for months and still struggled to manage now. He hadn't gone into Mount Weather to slay the inhabitants, even if that was what had been the outcome.

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