Season 3

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All my plot here.  I've taken these characters and run with them!  And, we'll have much longer chapters from now one!

Hope you like where I run to.

Here's to a Season 3 that actually makes sense.


Her hand ran along the railing, until it broke off and the ground at her feet fell away. Bodies had long since been returned to families, all there was to see was an obstruction in a path traveled for hundreds of years.

"I am become death," Clarke had whispered when watching the bridge blow.

The bomb hadn't been intended to kill Grounders, but there was always collateral damage. Clarke remembered the young Grounder, Tris, taking her last breath and Anya's angry words about the other warriors that had died in the blast.

Twenty-one people. Clarke breathed the number in, then continued on.

She would always remember watching Bellamy fight to get to her, not knowing where Octavia was and closing the door on them anyways. She'd pulled that lever, sentencing her best friends to die, to save their people. She had killed three hundred Grounder warriors.

Clarke sat in the doorway of the Dropship, observing her first home on Earth. Before, a wall of jagged metal and fallen trees marked the edge of the Dropship camp. Now, a blast radius did. Wind had dispersed most of the ash; animals had taken care of the bodies and bones. Scorch marks spread out from where Clarke lay, the last evidence of her slaughter.

"We may never find a place as safe." Clarke had known, before learning it, the further she traveled, the more dangers she would encounter.

Continuing on was hindered by the sun setting but staying longer at the Dropship was only fitting. The hike tomorrow would be long, and she'd have to stay the night at her next destination as well. Both deserved her time.

In the morning, Clarke gathered what supplies she could find, hunted her breakfast, and set out again. Without a horse, the trek took most of the day.

Where the dropship had settled, TonDc was raw. She'd gone into the skeleton city to face the destruction she'd caused. Abby's condemning expression flashed in the fires as she walked. Her words echoed from caved-in buildings.

"Their blood is on your hands. You won't be able to wash it off this time."

Wash it off? Clarke chuckled. The blood never had time to wash off. The bodies just kept piling on top of her.

Two hundred and seventy-eight died at Tondc.

Unable to breathe the ash for longer than a few minutes, and worried about being spotted by a Grounder, Clarke slept on the edge of the village.

The hike the next day was grueling and uphill.

Whoever had been the last one out, hadn't bothered shutting the door behind them. Everything was already irradiated, no point keeping the bugs and animals out now.

Three days ago, Clarke had walked her people outside. Three days meant that the descent to Level Five had her gagging and vomiting. She deserved this, and they deserved her penance.

Clarke worked day and night, stopping only to sleep or eat. She refused to sleep in the mountain, or near her growing graveyard, so each night she hiked a mile away and fell into a fitful sleep and returned in the morning. When her hands began to blister and eventually bleed, she bandaged them with things found in the woods. Food was hunted when needed. Clarke couldn't take anything else from these people.

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