"Cousin." Xinyi said.

"You are late. Come. Let me take you up." Bao Jun said grabbing her hand.

"Take me up. What if someone sees us? Have you told them I'm your cousin?" Xinyi asked making Bao Jun sigh.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Of course not. We already agreed. Don't even think of exposing your identity. I'm taking you because I don't want the staff to pick on you. While being here, you might have to endure some grievances. If you can't then you better go home now. I won't be able to help you like now." Bao Jun said as he walked with her to a door.

While he walked with her, many people seemed to be staring at them as they walked by. This was not the first time they had seen him with a girl but every time they saw him with a girl, they would go beserk and take pictures. Fortunately before Xinyi arrived, he had spoken to all the staff. Although Xinyi had insisted on becoming a trainee, there was no way he was going to allow her suffer any grievance.

"They are all staring." Xinyi said turning her face as they walked by.

"Don't worry. Nobody will take pictures." Bao Jun said placing a hand on Xinyi's arm.

Stopping in front of the door, Bao Jun opened it and a stairs revealed itself. Xinyi smiled at the thoughtfulness of her cousin. When she was little, she had been trapped in an elevator for two days because the power went out. Those two days seemed to be the most scariest moment of her life. She can remember bending down and covering her eyes because she was hallucinating out of hunger and fear. Ever since then she couldn't take an elevator.

"Thank you." Xinyi said as they stepped inside.

"Let's go." Bao Jun said as they started climbing up.

Meanwhile, Jianhong stepped into the training room. Meeting new trainees who were with a lot of dreams might do him some good. The doors opened and the trainees anxiously waited to see who was arriving. Jianhong entered the room smiling as it was part of his image to do so. The trainees seemed enthusiastic as they stood up to greet him smiling as wide as their mouth could.

"Greetings ladies." Jianhong said smiling.

"Greetings Senior JH." They said bowing down briefly.

"Please sit down." Jianhong said.

The female trainees smiled sitting down quickly while some of them whispered talking about JH's visual. Although Jianhong's hair hadn't been styled, it didn't seem to affect his visual.

"Okay, I am Mrs Ming Liping but you can just call me Mrs Liping. Most of you must already know who JH is right?" The female choreographer asked.

"Yes!" They shouted.

"Oh my god, JH is so handsome." One of the trainees shouted and Jianhong smiled.

"Thank you for appreciating his handsomeness but that's not what we are here for. Starting today, JH will be here everyday to supervise you. He will just be here to watch you so do your best, okay?" Mrs Liping said.

"Yes!" They said smiling.

Few minutes later, all the trainees stood in four lines with five people each making the total amount of trainees 20 in number. The female choreographer, Mrs Liping went round doing an attendance.

"One of you is missing. Who is missing?" Mrs Liping asked stopping at the 19th person.

Jianhong turned counting the number of trainees present and found out that someone was indeed missing. This made him remember when his team didn't almost debut because one of the trainees had been reckless. Back then, they always had to keep check of time in order to get food, avoid being punished. For them, time was most essential thing. Obviously this trainee didn't know that.

"Someone is indeed missing. Everyone, you must remember. In the upcoming days, time is of most importance. You cannot afford to be late for anything. Mrs Liping, today is their first time and maybe she is running late. Or she doesn't know her way round the company yet." Jianhong said.

"If you say so. It's just that I don't want to have to repeat the moves again. How about I give you guys some time to know each other while we wait for the last person?" Mrs Liping asked before heading to the corner while the trainees sat down.

Jianhong stood gazing at the door as his mind also wondered to the last trainee. They were wasting time and it was all her fault. As much as he wanted to scold her, he understood today was full of formalities that had to be done.


Xinyi and Bao Jun continued to climb up the stairs but the stairs seemed to be too long making Bao Jun regret allowing them to hold the practice at the third floor. MMF Entertainment had six floors. With an elevator, it would have been easy but since Xinyi couldn't use an elevator, taking a stairs to the third floor seemed like a dream. An impossible dream.

"What are you doing?" Xinyi asked watching as Bao Jun stopped reaching into his pocket.

"Calling them. Keep quiet." Bao Jun said before dialing someone's number.

Meanwhile at the practice room, few minutes had passed and the last trainee had still not shown up making Jianhong worried. Many trainees often showed up from different parts of the country.

"Hello. Mr Tang." Mrs Liping said catching Jianhong's attention.

JIANHONG'S SPOILED PRINCESS (WINTER NIGHT #1)Where stories live. Discover now