Chapter 1: Senior Year 1st Day

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Hi guys 3rd book I hope you guys like this one.

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on the side is a pic of what caroline is wearing


Caroline's pov

Finally senior year. I'm so excited to see all my friends! The whole summer I was in Uganda helping out kids in Africa it was amazing. But now I'm back!

6:30 am

What should I wear? How about This yellow sundress. I paired the dress with high heels some very light makeup and jewelry. Sure I wasn't in the 'in' crowd but I had a fair amount of friends. I didn't try too hard to look nice I just like my natural beauty. I wasn't like some of the girls in school who wore over 5 pounds of makeup and wore the sluttiest dresses. I loved all my friends. And if my friends were to describe me it would probably be: crazy, not afraid to speak her mind, fun, wild. I was the girl that you would turn to if you needed help with HW, school work,etc. I tried to help everyone but if you turned bitchy with me trust me you would regret it.


I was driving to school and I found the perfect parking in the senior section when a red camero cut me off and took my spot. Bitch. I got out of my car. My car wasn't too expensive it was an ok car it wasn't bad but it was the best car.

" Who the fuck just did that?" I screamed

The door open and it was him the biggest jerk in the world. Jake. Sure he was hot but I still couldn't get pass the fact that he was one of the biggest asses in school.

" Hey, hey , hey let's not get all mad now. This is my parking and I park here no one else." He said his voice getting colder.

" I don't see you name anywhere." I walked around the parking spot looking around " yup no sign of your name now get your fuckin car out of here." I yelled but then he just turned around and kept walking I walked over to him. I stopped right in front of him

" Get out of my way." He said

" Sure I just need to do one thing." I said in a seductive way and fluttered my eyelashes.

" Now what would that be?" He smirked at me " this" I said to him and punched him in the face that wiped the smirk right off his face.

" The fuck." He yelled and this time it was me who was walking off. Everyone just stared

I started texting my best friend Arianna

'Hey bitch where you are??????'

' Omg gurl is that you???' I hadn't texted any of them since I left for Uganda

'Yeah it's me now where are -' I was about to finish texting her when I hit something-someone. OH MY GOD it was him. Tyler.

" I...I um I um I'm sorry." I stuttered ugh I hate when this happens. I've had a crush on him since I was in the 6th grade. He was perfect just perfect. His blond hair all ruffled. His beautiful eyes they were greenish-brown. He was in the 'in' crowd he was a football player, and he was on the basketball team. But he was so nice. He wasn't like the others he was sweet, kind funny and just plain perfect. Well... he did have one flaw he was best friends with Jake.

" Hey don't sweat it. I should have been watching. So how was Uganda?" Wait how did he know about me going to Uganda? I mean sure we talked every once in a while but. Whatever at least he notices me.

" Yeah it was great there were the most beautiful sceneries there and the kids were so sweet. It was amazing what about you what did you do all summer?" Oh my god I was talking to him like a full on conversation

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