Chapter 10

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Naruto's eyes snapped open, three months having passed since his defection to Kirigakure. In these three months, Naruto had made major improvements in kenjutsu, and his ninjutsu as well as taijutsu had considerably improved. His personality had become more ninja-like, not as easily annoyed and more.

 Naruto changed into his jumpsuit, ready for mission day. The young blond strapped on the Kirigakure hitai-ate onto his head, the dark blue cloth perfectly matching his newly bought black jumpsuit. 'The orange is too flashy and will get you killed', Kisame had said when he went to the ninja equipment shop with Naruto. Naruto strapped Samehada to his back, the bandaged blade thirsting for more action. Real action.

'Mmmmm.' Naruto hummed to himself, already envisioning the smell of instant ramen in his head.

Unfortunately for him, today's breakfast was not what he hoped for. On the table was a piece of bread with a fried egg on top, disappointing the New Seven Swordsman.

On the positive side, however, was the fact that today was mission day, which was once a month. Each team of New Seven Swordsmen with the exception of Chojuro, such as Naruto's team under Kisame and Mangetsu's team under Jinin, would leave the village on a mission, starting with C-Ranks, which advanced to B-Ranks, and now, where they were at. A-Rank missions.

'Eat up. Today's mission day.' Mangetsu advised Naruto, even though he was in a different cell. After all, the lives of comrades, especially ones carrying your national treasure, mattered.

Naruto gulped down one piece of the bread, refilling his plate with more and wolfing down another five pieces. His monstrous appetite truly was out of this world.

'I'm ready.' Naruto forced out, his mouth still full of food.

'Manners.' Chojuro berated him. 'You guys still have half an hour before you have to get to the village gates.'

'Got it!' Naruto replied, the food in his mouth already forced down his throat by his tongue.

Time flew like birds. In the blink of an eye, half an hour had already passed, and the group was already at the mission assignment station. Kisame and Jinin were already awaiting their teams,  standard katanas replacing the Seven Swords.

'First things first.' Mei announced to her New Seven Swordsmen. 'Jinin's team: your mission will be to guard the village's diplomat to the capital. Could you please come in?'

The door near the mission office opened, as a man wearing white robes stepped inside.

'Even though he is not a ninja, he is the village's most skilled speaker.' Mei said.

'Hello. My name is Moyashi, one of Kirigakure's top diplomats.' The man said. 'You'll be risking your life and limbs to deliver me to the capital, so do your best!'

'Do you understand your mission?' Mei asked, met with nods from Jinin's team. 'Alright. You may go now.'

Jinin grabbed the diplomat, as each and every member of his squadron channelled their chakra to their hands and into the teleportation seal, transporting them to the above-water decoy village. The transportation seal was Kirigakure's very best attempt at replicating the Flying Thunder God. Kiri's seal masters failed, only managing to create a transportation seal. However, it was good enough, and soon, with the reign of the Fifth Mizukage, it had become a gateway from a decoy village to the true village.

'And Kisame's squad.' Mei continued. 'Your mission will be to deliver this scroll to Kusagakure. Their leader has been requesting an alliance with us, so your mission is to deliver the reply. This is A-Ranked.'

'Finally. An exciting mission, dattebayo.' Naruto said, determined to complete it.

'You may go now.' Mei said, and Kisame's team disappeared into the seal. 'Orca, stay behind.'

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