Sunrises (Eomer x GN!Reader)

173 3 0

Word Count: 377

Warnings: lots of fluff

A/N Ok so this took me way too long to finish all of these, but I am finally getting to it! I really love these prompts you chose! Reference: This was supposed to be finished forever ago from my 100 follower sleepover...But I'm glad I'm finally getting to them!!


"I never wanted any of this"

"staying up till sunrise"

Eomer leaned on your shoulder as you two kept watch, scanning the horizon for any signs of movement. "My love, I never wanted any of this," he sighed, wishing you were not in this situation. Orcs were afoot everywhere, and you had volunteered yourself to be on the Night watch, much to the dismay of Eomer.

"Eomer, I am sorry, but I must do this. I see everything you do, and I want to feel useful as well. It seems as if there are a surplus of duties to tend to nowadays, and I am proud to be a part of one." You pushed him off of you playfully and stood up, stretching your arms. He stood up next to you, pulling you into his embrace and pressing his lips to the top of your head. "Dearest, I can't have you distracting me. I have a job I am to be doing."

He laughed, and let out a big smile. "My love, I know. What does a man have to do to give love to his person? It is a sacred thing you know."

You suppressed a smile, and pushed him off of you, stepping forward. Again, you took a deep breath in, and out. However tiring it might be to stay up all night, the solitude it gave you was wonderful, and much needed. The sun's rays were just barely peeking over the golden lands of Rohan, turning the sky slowly into a deep midnight purple.

You turned back to Eomer, grinning slightly. "Dearest, it seems that it is almost time for the sun to rise. And you are the only person I would want to spend these precious moments with. I don't know how many sunrises we have left together, but I'd like to cherish them while we can."

He nodded solemnly, remembering the gravity of the situation Middle Earth was in. He sat down, leaning his back against the walls, and pulled you in between his legs, hugging you close. "My love, I will always cherish every moment I will ever have with you, and I hope there will be many. Many to fill our hearts and then some."

And so you sat there, watching the sunrise, forgetting about the dreariness of the present world.

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