Never Was Part 2(Bilbo x Elf!Reader)

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Summary: Just a continuation of the first part, nothing super special

Warnings: None, fluffy

Word Count: 586

A/N kind of a drabble, but I got this great idea from Huffledor06 on how to continue it! Enjoy xx

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~60 Years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A new age approaches. Threats are rising. The time of elves is ending. But an unexpected visitor arrives In Imladris, unbeknownst to me. He walks slow, wearied, old. Older than the last time he set foot here. Lord Elrond had summoned me, having me help him with preparations to leave. The time of elves was ending soon. I had been gone, preparing, waiting. The visitor arrived while I was departed, asking for me. Waiting for me. I did not know.

I left, like many of the elves, to the docks. Leaving the humans to their fate. We made our way there, saying our last goodbyes to Middle Earth. But something changed. I did not, could not, leave with the rest of them like I was instructed. I felt a pull, indescribable, back to Imladris. Stronger than the pull to the sea. Everyone else was safe. I would be alright, granted that I met no orcs along the way. So I traveled.

The visitor still awaited my arrival. He had finally come back to me after all, even after I believed he wouldn't. After all, an evil unknown had befallen him, twisting his mind, his livelihood. Subtly, but enough for him not to come back to me. Slowly, he walked, picking up bits and pieces of my hearts left with others. He gathered them, one by one, reassembling them. After all, it was meant for him. He heard that many elves had left, and he assumed I was one of them. It almost broke the little that was left of his true self. He wallowed, wishing, hoping, finally feeling what I had felt all those many years ago.  

I rode back to Imladris, much to the surprise of Lord Elrond. But he welcomed me home with gracious hands. He walked with me through the halls, hearing my reasoning for coming back. He smiled, very obviously knowing something I do not. We entered a room, and I stopped. Could it be? Elrond departed discreetly, millions of emotions going through my mind. He was...older. Much older. But still a small skip to his step. He smiled hesitantly as if he was worried to overwhelm me. But that was the least of my concerns. I walked over to him, kneeling down, breathing in the scent I thought I had forgotten. He lifted my chin with his hand, pressing his lips to the top of my head.

It was a bittersweet reunion, what with the occasion that he was here. Elrond later explained to me that the ring of power had been in his possession, therefore corrupting his mind and well-being. Why he hadn't come back to me as he had promised in his silent goodbyes. But he had finally come back now. He came back, to me.

Yet the war was looming, death another threat. We stayed in this safe haven, all until his young nephew did what no others could. He somehow aged even more after coming here, and I worried. I would not lose him, not now. Not after everything. Then I realized, the time of elves was truly over, leaving and never coming back. This caused another worry. How was I to leave him, meleth nin (My love)? I could not bear it. Time passed. Emotions swirled all around me, threatening to take me. But I would not leave, follow the pull. I would stay with the stronger pull on my heart. And so we set off, to Valinor, for the life we would build together.

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