Sunsets and Blankets (Boromir x GN!Reader)

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Prompts: spending the whole day at the beach, assorted writing prompts #1 - 11: "Are you sure that you have enough blankets?"

Word count: 409

A/N This was for my 100 follower celebration on Tumblr, and it's a 10-minute fic! Alright setting a timer! Ready...Go!

The salty air brushed against your skin, and you scooted closer to your lover. Boromir held you close in his arms, soaking up the warmth you gave him. The two of you were wrapped in a large blanket, bundled from the wind steadily nipping at you.

"My love, look at that beautiful sunset." You spoke quietly, not wanting to disturb the tranquility. The sun seemed to melt into the waves, and the colors mixed brilliantly, adding to the moment.

Boromir pressed his lips into your hair, pressing soft kisses down, inhaling the sweetness. "It is a lovely view, for sure. But not as beautiful as you." He smiled, as he could tell he flustered you. You hid your grin, not wanting him to win that easily.

"Well thank you, my dear." You giggled as he moved down to press kisses on your neck, featherlight, but a reassuring pressure. He would always be there for you. You shivered as tingles went down your spine, somehow he always managed to get you like this. He pulled away, turning you to look at him.

"Are you sure that you have enough blankets?" he murmured, pulling you even closer. Your legs moved to cross over his, and he had one arm over your legs, another wrapped around your waist.

You reached up to stroke his cheek, the stubble rubbing against the palm of your hand. "I am completely sure my love. Do not fret, it was your doing anyway." He grinned cheekily at that and began pressing kisses to your forehead. You fell into a comfortable silence, hearing the waves crashing on the shore.

The stars began to shine above you, glinting sweetly. You melted into Boromir's chest, putting your ear to where his heart is. The steady thumps slowed down a bit, his breathing beginning to match yours.

"My love?" he spoke tentatively. But you were perfectly content.

"Hmm?" You said, still leaning on his chest. His heart began to speed up, and he shifted, moving his hands. You pulled away, looking at him questioningly.

He got up to one knee, and you gasped as he pulled out a box from his pocket. "My dear, I could never live without you. You are my one and only. I want to be by your side for eternity. Will you do me the honor of being my spouse?" Tears filled your eyes as you nod, and he slipped a band on your ring finger.

BRO I RAN OUT OF TIME SO I CANT FINISH but honestly, you're so lucky because I was going to make this soooo angsty if I had the time. So I guess it's probably good I didn't get the chance to finish lmao. And let me know if you do want to have an angsty ending lmao because I totally will copy-paste and then add just for a little bit of spice

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