Goodbye - Eomer x Female Reader

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A/N ok so this is one of my first ever writing fanfic and actually posting it, so yes it's not going to be great, I'm just gonna try my best lol, so enjoy it. This is just a short one because confidence is at 0%

warnings: death, angst, overall depressing in general so here's a tissue

I opened my eyes, squinting through the bright light of the sun beating down on me. I heard murmurs, voices, gradually getting louder. Footsteps coming closer. And then I heard the voice, my favorite voice.

Éomer knelt by my side, whispering, as I slowly moved my head towards him. I could barely see his golden locks, his battle-worn eyes, and smile before darkness overtook me again.

Éomer's POV

Her beautiful eyes began to close, a tear running down her face. I had no words, I had nothing I could say. all I could do was hold her hand and ease her pain slightly. an orc had stabbed her, it was fatal, and I knew I was losing her. I told her not to come into this fight, to stay with Éowyn. She promised me she would stay. I do not know how she got here, who let her come here. I heard cries of victory, the battle has been over once Aragorn showed up with the army of the dead. But for me, this battle would never be over. Her left hand reached over with the last of her waning strength and touched mine, softly, her way of telling me she loved me. Her eyes opened one last time, not looking at me, but at the sky. She smiled, and sighed, her last breath to be taken.

She looked like an angel fallen from heaven, even in death. the sweat on her face gave her a glow, like dew on the grass as she would run through it. a flower braided in her hair, laughing. I leaned over her body, kissing her forehead. But I couldn't bear to leave her, not in this state. I swept her into my arms, the only time I would ever carry her bridal style, and slowly walked to the gates of Minas Tirith.

(A/N) Please let me know if you have any requests, and my Tumblr is wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse if you want to ask me anything on there. I will hopefully be updating once a week, but since I have just started, I do not have a full time-line or schedule that I am going to be following yet, so bear with me! 

Source of picture:

None of the characters or pictures used are mine.

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