Lust For Thine

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Your kiss drips down my lips,
As I hold you in my grasp,
You scream in ecstasy,
As I do my dirty task.

I go down on you,
Your voice goes up,
The curve on your hips,
That's where my fingers love to linger.

Your lips are a cushion,
For my stripped ones, unfurnished,
Yours are like marshmallows,
The heat, is terrifyingly sweet.

A kiss on your neck,
While I run my tongue upon your ear,
You shudder, and hold on to me,
Girl, were you in for a ride.

Don't be shy, come closer,
I'll make your obscene dreams come true,
Try out all your conspicuous kinks,
I'll keep your dirty secrets, there's no cue.

I'll let your moan live inside my head,
Strike all the right places,
Like the words you whispered, And I said.

I'll give you lust, I'll make it bitter,
I'll caress your body, so it never withers,
Run my fingertips up your curved lines,
Push them inside, no harm, no downside.

I'll make you quiver, I'll dominate you,
Then when you're ready, I'll be your submissive,
I'll make you shake, I'll make you cry,
Then bow to your feet, and lick honey off your thighs.

I'll treat you right,
Then I'll make you pay,
I'll give you lust,
And make you give me pain.

I won't make you shush,
So you'll make me shed tears,
I promise not to bite,
But I'll make your veins fear.

I'll be gentle,
Not even a bit rough,
You don't have to know I lied,
Just hold it in and hush.

I'll be your one,
I'll be your type,
I'll scream your name,
I'll make you express your lust for thine.

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