A Sleepover with Sundrop (Part 2)

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                               You giggled, Y/N: "Thanks Sundrop, I never tried a FazBear chocolate bar." Sundrop:"Anything for my favorite person in the whoooooole world! Not to be rude but I'm pretty sure Little Jimmy's gonna get pink eye if he keeps going face first into the ball pit." You both laughed and you put the FazBear chocolate bar in you pocket. Y/N:" Imma save this for later." Sundrop:"Aaaalllrighty, ooh! I wanna watch you finish that drawing of yours its so pretty, Im honestly flattered you drew me so well hehe!"

                               Y/N:"Oh, uh okay!" You picked up your pen and continued to outline as Sun watched you with his undivided attention. Once you finished outlining you added some detail. Finally you finished your masterpeice. Sundrop:"Oh my! I love it! Its so pretty!" You ripped your masterpeice out of your sketch-book and gave it to him. Y/N:"Here, you can have it." you said with a smile. Sundrop seemed as happy as when you found out your little brother was adopted. Sundrop: *gAsP* " For me?! Thank you! When the kids leave I'll hang it on the wall in my room! Speaking of my room- are we going to have another sleepover?! I sure hope we do!" Y/N:" If we're talking about my "parents" then yeah I'm like 90% sure we're gonna have a sleepover." Sundrop:" YAY!" and he hugged you tightly and you hugged him back.

                                     * TIME SKIP TO WHEN THE KIDS,AND DAYCARE ATTENDENTS LEAVE*

                               Y/N:"I guess I was right, we are having a sleepover!"  Sundrop leaped with joy, picked you up, and hopped up to his room. Sundrop:" What do you wanna do? We can finger paint, tell scary stories, make art with glitter glue and googly eyes, we can drink FizzyFaz until our heads ex-PLODE and stay up all night!" You both settled on telling scary stories, you both tried scaring each other until they were to scared to go to bed. Y/N:"I wanna hear what scary stories Moon has, is it alright if I turn off the lights?" Sundrop:"Well- it is really late he might get mad but I guess so." You turned out the lights aNd mOoN wAs bOrN!!! (jk) You shut off the lights and Sundrop turned to Moondrop. Moondrop:" Y/N, why are you up so late?! Do you relize what time it is?!" Y/N:"Me and Sun were having a sleepover and we were telling scary stories and I wanted to hear yours." Moondrop:"Ugh fine, but just this once, and it won't be my fault if your too scared to go to sleep." You chuckled thinking to yourself,"HA jokes on him I nEvEr get scared" Moondrop told you a story about a murderer who went out dressed like a rabbit lady going around killing children that didn't gO tO bEd aT tHEiR bEdTiMe. Moondrop finished off the story by saying: "And her name was... Vanny" That struck fear in your heart, you knew who Vanny was you have seen her before but you never spoke about her. Y/N:" No fair thats too scary! Now I actually am scared to go to sleep. Moondrop chuckled: "How about I hold you in my arms and sing you a lullaby, hm? Will that get you to sleep?" You said yes and climbed into Moondrops arms. As he rapped his arms around you, he started singing a beautiful lullaby to you. You felt safe in his arms, listening to his singing. Then before you knew it you fell fast asleep in Moondrops arms.

*.The Mysteries Of The PizzaPlex.* Sunrise/Moondrop x (Non-binary) readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora