I was thankfully pulled out of my thoughts by bumping into a tall person,

"Oi, watch where you're going pageant boy"

"Oh, um, no I don't do-" aaannd, she walked away. Do I really look like I do pageants? Should I be flattered or insulted? Because on one hand, that means she thinks I'm pretty, on the other hand, she thinks I'm pretty, not handsome, or hot, or... or... what are other good adjectives about looks that prove my point? Aah, I dunno! First Drew, now-

Wait, aha! She did it! She got my mind off of Drew!

"Hey! You! Tall lady with the cornrows!" I run to where she is because godsdamn it I need a distraction,

"Oi, what now, pageant boy?" Oh no, she was mad now,

"I need you to distract me!"

"Um... what? Distract yourself, weirdo."

No no don't walk away! In desperation, I latch on to her arm, and holy guacamole she is thicc, I'm in awe-

"Hey- what in the Hades?! Why are you squeezing my arm?!"

"Oh- um... was I? Heheh... sorry?"
Oh gosh that was so embarrassing-

*sigh* these Aphrodite kids I swear! Ugh, so much for a day off...

Seriously? You again?! The author is just trolling me at this point!

$ at the campfire $

The last song of the night, Who Wouldn't Zeus F***, had just been finished and the campfire was high, when Chiron came out to make the announcement of the quest.



The conversations paused, wondering what it was now,

"It is my pleasure to inform you that Nico D'Angelo is now going to be leader of his first ever official quest!"

After some hesitation, since many still had a bad connection with quests after the two wars, it erupted into cheers,

"Yes, yes, it is very exciting, now, Nico, son of Hades, if you will, who are your other two questers?"

Nico rose from his seat next to Will, who looked at him in disapproval,

"First, I will be taking Leo, son of Hephaestus," there were murmurs of approval, the Hephaestus cabin cheering, "and..."

It came (in like a wrecking ball-) crashing, the overwhelming anxiety. He had had it under control for almost 6 months, but I suppose all good things must come to an end eventually, right?

His palms were clammy, his hair on end and his breathing heavy,
He wasn't sure what warranted this, all he had to do was say Leo got to choose, but no. The Fates had knitted a big fat screw you into his sock, simply for... well, not really sure. They never really needed a reason, did they?

Will knew something was wrong the second he stopped talking, Nico didn't like to stop in between whatever he had to say, if he had something to say, he'd say it.

He grabbed Nico's clenched hand, slowly managing to the wiggle his hand into it. Gods it was so sweaty.

Will slowly rubbed circles on the back of his hand, Nico slowly regaining his ability to speak,

Nico looked down at Will. He so, so wanted to choose him, but he couldn't. He had classes, friends, a job, a freaking life, I cant ask him to drop it all just to help me on a whim, even if he would in a heart beat and then have the audacity to complain about me not "believing" in him.

But no, this time, Nico D'Angelo was not going to let Will convince him. He knew how much he missed out on just to be with him as much as he is, theres no way he would ask him to do this.

His eyes connected with Leo. Who was gesturing stubbly,

Looking over to see who it was, I agreed. They would not only be useful, but also needed an excuse to get out of camp.

And thus,

"... and Drew Tanaka, daughter of Aphrodite."




"No, it's John Cena, obviously," Leo muttered while covering his ears.

Welp, it's something •u•;

And as per request from my ever so amazing narrator, there is now a petition to give them a raise! It's right,

Here! All in favor, say "Aye!"

I'm not sure what this chapter accomplished, but eh, idk, it was fun to write at least.

Hope you liked it and enjoy your next 24 hours!♡

Nico Di Angelo, Assistant of IronmanWhere stories live. Discover now