~ Chapter 2 ~

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I ran down the halls. I was headed for the dining hall. Today was the day. I would get sent back to earth and see her once again.

I barely slept. I couldn't stop thinking. I couldn't stop planning. The plan has to be perfect.

I stopped running in front of the doors of the dining hall. They were large and made of a dark wood. Just like my door they had golden knobs. The edges of the door were decorated. It was some beautiful wood carving.

I gently turned one of the knobs. The door opened. I saw him, Lucifer, sit at one of the long tables.

The hall was almost empty. There were only a few people. 14 in total. The tables were empty. The plates for the breakfast weren't put there yet. Breakfast started at 8. It was only a bit after 7 right now.

My hands started getting sweaty as I approached him. He hasn't seen me yet. He was reading a book.

As I arrived at the table he closed his book.

I wanted to take a seat but he stopped me.

"Don't sit down." He said.

He got up and finally looked at me.

"Come with me."

Some people were looking at us. But most ignored us. We walked to a door at the back of the hall. I've never seen this door before. It must be a door to the restricted parts of hell.

Behind the door was a long corridor. Every few meters there was a door on both sides. At the back there was another door.

We walked through the corridor. We walked for a long time. I counted the doors we passed. 21 doors on one side. 42 doors in total.

We were at the end. We stood in front of the door.


This was the exit of hell? No wonder this was off limits for almost everyone. It would be very easy to escape from here otherwise.

"I need to warn you." He started

I looked up at him. He really is tall.

"What you're going to see is not going to be a simple door. It isn't going to be pretty. It can be terrifying to some people. It might not be to you but still I need to warn you."

How bad could an exit be.

He slowly opened the door.

"JESUS CHRIST" I shouted.

He looked me dead in the eyes.

"Sorry." I chuckled awkwardly.

I looked back at the thing that was behind the door. It was just a massive pit. It was surrounded by trash and fire and 'doom'? I don't even know what its surrounded by.

There was also and incredibly strong wind. It felt as if it was trying to blow us in. I could barely keep my balance.

"Come on." He said as he walked into the room

I followed him

"What is this?" I asked

"This is what you earthlings would call the gateway to hell. Or out of hell if we look at the current situation."

Damn no wonder everyone is so scared of hell. If this is where you enter.

"All you need to do is jump in." he said


He must be joking. I'd die, again, if I jump in there.

I looked over at him. He looked dead serious.

"You're serious?"

"Yes. Jump"

"But there's no end."

"There is. Jump."

"But how would I ever survive this."

"You're already dead. You can still get hurt but you won't die."

"I... I'm immortal."

"Yes, but no. In hell you cant die and neither can you within 15 minutes after you left hell. After those 15 minutes you're basically alive again. So you can die."

"How long does it take to get to earth?"

"10 minutes."

You have to be kidding me.

"Give or take." He added

"What if it takes more than 15 minutes."

"You'll die again. Now jump or I'll push you."

I sighed. This shit is stupid. I'm going to die. I am going to die. Again. A- fucking -gain.

I walked closer to the edge.

"Well here goes nothing." I whispered to myself

I jumped.


I was falling. This feels horrible. I can feel my guts swishing around. Oh god I'm going to puke. Fuck. Oh hell no. Nope. Nope. Nope. This better not take 16 minutes. I'm not sure if I can do this again.

I've probably been falling for only 1 minute. This sucks.

"FUCK" I screamed at the top of my lungs.


I landed on my back. That shit hurts.

Well at least I'm not dead.

"Ughh." I groaned as I stood up.

My entire body was pounding. It felt as if my back was broken. Luckily it was not. It hurts horribly to move. I can feel a headache coming up.

I looked at my surroundings. People were looking at me. I was in a park. In the middle of a patch of grass.

"Excuse me sir. There is an obvious sign saying 'do not touch the grass'."

I looked to the side. A police officer was talking to me.

"I'm sorry." I said.

I didn't mean it but who cares. I'll make them mad eventually anyway. As soon as I complete my mission they'll hate me. The cops. The people in this park. The world. Everyone will hate me. But I don't care.

I got off the grass and walked away from him.

"Don't make me warn you again!" he shouted after me.

Fuck him. I don't care.

I walked out of the park. I walked out into the world. It felt good to be back.

Guns. I need guns. That's step one. Where could I get guns. Where even am I.

I read a sign.

'Newark, New Jersey'

So that's where I am. I know this place. I've been here before. If I am correct there must be gun shop nearby. There must be.

I walked down the street. People looked at me. I looked like a mess. I am a mess. But I am going to see her again. I'm going to see Helena again.

A gun shop. Right in front of me. Step one. Its been done. It has started. I am going to do it. I'm going to save her. I'll hold her. Once again.

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