Chapter 7

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A few days passed and Taehyung got more familiar with the gang. Met more gang members and goofed around with Minjae. He tried to settle down with as many observations that he could muster and made sure that his journal was in-depth.

He got a call from Jimin who was still worked up over Taehyung's safety but the grey-haired male tried his utmost best to reassure him. Though Taehyung couldn't help but think that he was a spy in the enemy's den himself. He even got a worrisome text from Bogum and Taehyung yet again put ease to his Hyung's concern.

Every night that he had spent in the mansion, he had made sure to put his time to good use. He had wandered around like a Dark Knight and re-visited the rooms that were shown to him by Minjae on his first day. Tried to look for any secret passageways that the mansion might have, yet didn't find any. And if he were to be found out roaming alone, out of bed then the grey-haired male had come up with the perfect lie which is that he had a problem of sleepwalking.

On his second night, Taehyung mustered up the courage to visit the east side room which was declared off-limits to him. Yet as he walked between the shadows, frequently interrupted by the moonlight seeping in from the windows, he persuaded himself that this act of deviance was for his research only, however, there was a small part of his brain that accused him of being curious on his own accord.

Stepping out of his internal debate he tiptoed through the unfamiliar corridor. Most of the doors opened to storage rooms that occupied uninteresting old portraits or furniture. Clutching his journal close to his chest, he creaked open every door. Yet there was one that wouldn't budge. At first, Taehyung assumed that the door was just jammed. But he was proved wrong because the door was kept intentionally locked. And that's when it clicked to him that this was that so-called room that everyone was prohibited from entering.


It was on his fourth night that he grabbed his journal once more and treaded towards the same corridor. He expected his efforts of keeping himself awake even after the entire mansion had drifted off to deep slumber to be futile, however, this time it worked out his way.

Because just as he set foot in the corridor, a sound reached his ears.

Déjà vu.

The rhythm was quite similar to the one he got to listen to outside Jeongguk's Office the previous day.

Like a Classic at an Orchestra.

As Taehyung followed the music he realised that it was being originated from behind the same door that refused to open for Taehyung before. The door was slightly ajar and pale yellow light flooded out of the thin gap, that shed its glow into the gloomy corridor. But it wasn't the place that was to be blamed for the desolation that surrounded the air, rather it was the melancholic melody that was being played ceaselessly.

Due to some unknown reason, Taehyung felt drawn to the sorrow dripping from each note that played. Building up his courage, Taehyung sauntered towards the room as if trapped in a trance.

Reaching the door, the gap was quite narrow yet broad enough for Taehyung to behold the most heartbreaking sight he never thought he would get to witness. And for a moment he regretted being there- regretted viewing such a sight- he felt as if his eyes had glimpsed something that it shouldn't have seen. He shouldn't be there, to begin with- he should be in his bed fast asleep.

But no. He chose to stay. His feet rooted on the floor as he felt himself freeze.

There in between the gap, he saw a man with raven locks sitting on a stool. His legs were parted and his back was curved in a way to make space for a cello. The cello's spine was gracefully placed on the ravenett's left shoulder while the fingers of his left hand delicately held the spine, fingers gliding harmoniously over the strings. While the right hand held a bow which was grazing the strings so elegantly that with each stroke the outcome turned out to be beautifully melancholic.

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