"Very interesting," he said, nodding to himself. Another second passed and he was seated once more on his throne. "It seems like the two of you had a wonderful night. Allow me to make it greater still."

Cecilia looked at Demetri from the corners of her eyes, but his face didn't betray anything. Her glance shifted from Aro to Marcus, who looked quite literally bored to death, and to Caius, appearing ever so spiteful, before landing on the first again. Suddenly, she couldn't help but wonder how Aro had not only risen to power but also managed to keep it for centuries. She made a mental note to ask her parents about it. 

"I'm sending the two of you on a very sensitive and diplomatic mission to Greece," Aro said. His eyes shifted from Cecilia to Demetri, probably gauging their reactions. "An island called Corfu to be specific. I'm sure you are familiar with it, Demetri." 

She simply knew her heart would have skipped a beat if it had still worked and she had to do her best to keep her excitement from showing as she saw the vampire next to her nod in silence. Greece with Demetri seemed like a dream come true. 

"You'll stay with the Makris' coven in Angelokastro and personally extend our invitation for the feast in two weeks time," Aro explained. He observed his hands lazily, as if the matter bored him and explaining it even more. "They feel like they've been offended, because we granted the Papatonis coven a greater province to rule and let it just be so that the Markis'and the Papatonis' have been in each other's hairs for centuries. It will be your job to ensure that the Markis' will quiet down again, one way or another. We cannot and will not have such a small coven rise up against us."

Demetri nodded, and Cecilia, who knew that he had been sent on many a mission before, let him take the lead in the matter. "When do we leave?"

"I suppose there is enough time for the two of you to pack," Aro said. "The plane is waiting for you in Florence. You will return in a week and a half, just in time for the feast itself."

Cecilia courtesied as Demetri nodded and followed him quietly out of the throne room. She barely heard Aro's wish of good fortune called after them, her body filling itself with excitement. Already she could see the white beaches and the sun beams raining down on them, even though she had no idea if Angelokastro was even located near the sea. Just as she was about to share her giddiness, already grabbing Demetri's hand to gain his attention, she suddenly noticed the gloomy expression on his face. The way his brows were furrowed and the corners of his mouth hung told her everything she needed to know. 

She gave his hand a soft squeeze, still learning to control her new strength. "What is it?"

As soon as he turned his head, his expression of doom seemed to be replaced with a happier one. It made the butterflies in her stomach flutter, though she was still filled with worry. 

"We'll talk about it later," he said, as he opened the room to his chambers. "Just pack the most expensive things you have, your handmade clothes, all your jewellery, everything. Bring your violin as well and the oldest books you have as well. No, not the Latin ones, only those in Greek."

Furrowing her brows, she did as he told her. Opening her suitcase, she folded all of her handmade clothes, the ones that reminded her of the day she had condemned the maker of them to death, and put them in. Her jewellery and the books followed next, before locking the clasps. She checked the violin coffin and whether she had all the parts she needed, before adding it to their baggage as well. She strongly doubted she would have time to play the violin, but she knew it had to be good for something. 

She looked up, only to see Demetri hurry from one side of the chamber to the next, putting things in his own suitcase with the most careful movements. Never before had she seen her soulmate so distressed and Cecilia couldn't help but wonder what exactly was so bad about going to the country he was born in to settle some stupid quarrel. 

"Leave your sneakers here and put on those black heels," Demetri said. He didn't even look up from the spines of the books his eyes were trailing over.

Cecilia raised an eyebrow, putting her hands on her hips. "Excuse me?"

That seemed to catch his attention, because in a split second he had turned around, an apologetic expression on his face. When his fingers trailed over the skin of her cheek she almost let go of her bossy posture, but she managed to hold on, raising her eyebrow even higher. He was wretched, she could see that much, but that didn't give him the right to boss her around.

"Please, cara mia," he said softly. This time she did give him, relaxing the muscles in her face and lowering her hands to her sides. "Trust me on this one."

She acted as if she had to think it over, before finally agreeing. "Just this once then."

When he didn't joke back, she knew her hunch about Aro's sly smile not meaning any good was right and so she just kicked off her sneakers and put on the black heels Rose had bought almost a year ago, but which she hadn't ever worn. They had hurt her feet and she hadn't even managed to walk one straight line. She didn't know why Alice had bothered to pack them for her, but she guessed it had something to do with a particular gift her family member had. Fortunately for her, immortality brought certain skills with it, including walking on high heels. 

Demetri, who had managed to grab all of their suitcases in his hands, looked at her with his eyebrows raised. "Ready to leave?"

She wasn't. Not when he looked like they were about to walk in the next world war, but she had no choice, so she simply nodded. 

SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW ➻ DEMETRI VOLTURIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant