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The Beijing City was moving at its own pace. People dressed in their business attires moving around heading towards their work. Beijing is the business hub and the office of every big business can be seen here and within these stands one of the best corporations in the world i.e. XIAO CORPORATION. The building of the office stood at the heart of the city and is a 50 storey skyscraper and is the dream of every person to get a job.


"GET OUT!" the cold and deep voice of the CEO can be heard from outside of his office and from his voice, one can say that he is very angry and after two minutes a girl can be seen running from out of the office

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"GET OUT!" the cold and deep voice of the CEO can be heard from outside of his office and from his voice, one can say that he is very angry and after two minutes a girl can be seen running from out of the office.
"Jiang cheng!" A voice is heard from inside the office, and the said Person is seen entering the office.

"Zhan! This is the seventh secretary within a month" said Cheng entering the ceo office.

" Cheng you know I can't tolerate these girls just throwing themselves on me. They prefer seducing me more than work" said zhan slumping on his chair messaging his temples.

" Bro u know these girls can't resist your charms," said Cheng earning a glare from his friend...

" But I need someone who will more focus on work rather me" scoffed zhan.

"Zhan, u need to adjust with them, it's gonna be difficult to find such a dedicating assistant for you."
Cheng sighed.

" I don't care Cheng but the presence of these girls flirting around me suffocates me." Sighed zhan. He is just frustrated with these personnel assistants who prefer seducing him more than his work. Zhan is a competitive person, cold-hearted, hard-working who doesn't like people working casually during their work.

" Freshen up your mood boss, right now u need to deal with a meeting too" reminded Cheng.

" I will be there in five minutes. Ready the meeting room" said zhan remembering the meeting he has to deal with. Today's meeting was very important as certain issues were to be addressed and the decision to be made, but the morning encounter with his PA has spoiled his mood and now he is extremely frustrated.

"See you boss, hope you find the secretary of your dream!" laughed Cheng as he received a glare from his friend. After five minutes he can be seen heading toward the conference room.


Meanwhile, on the other side, a boy can be seen glaring and shouting at his boss "You know what, you don't need to fire me. I Quit!" And after saying this he can be seen running out of the office. He just doesn't want to stand there and just wants to run away from there. Amidst the chaos, a voice is heard calling his name " YIBO !" which made the said boy stop in his steps and turn around.

"What happened yibo? Why are u so angry early in the morning?" Asked his friend and colleague. The boy is seen glaring and then sighing.
"Same issue man! He is more interested to get into my pant rather than doing his work" replied yibo.

This is his third job within a month and he is again harassed same reason as his boss. Yibo is a 23-year-old guy who is dedicated and hard-working but due to the incident of his harassment, he is not able to focus on one job.
This is his third job which he has quit because of this issue. Yibo has been famous in his college for his looks but now in the corporate world, these looks are becoming one of the reasons for hindrance in his job.

" And again you quitted the job. Right man" asked Bowen his friend, earning a nod from his friend.

"You know yibo, you need to deal with them and in recent times I don't know where you will find a boss who is more focussed on his work than you," said Bowen which earned him a pout.

"I know Bowen but I can't tolerate them. It disgusts me." Said yibo." Moreover, Bowen aren't you getting late for your work"

"Shit you are right, I need to go. I will catch up with you later and calm your anger buddy. All the best for finding a new job" after saying this Bowen is seen disappearing in the crowd.

Yibo just turn around and start heading towards his flat as he enters his flat and slumps on his bed releasing a sigh and recalling the event that happened he was feeling sleepy

As he was about to drift to sleep, his phone rang, he groaned and picked up the call.

"Hello bodi!" The person enthusiastically called him.
"Hi, Kuan ge!" Replied yibo
Sensing from his brother's voice Kuan can guess that his baby brother has again quit the job.
"What happened bodi?"
"Same issue kuan ge, more interested to get in my pants rather than his work"
"And I guess you again quit the job. right my baby brother"
Yibo with a sigh says hmm.
What can kuan say to his brother knowing his anger.. but he can't blame him he is just so cute and handsome that people will easily fall for him, but right now he needs to cheer his baby brother so he does

"Calm down my angry lion, just eat something first, I know u haven't done your breakfast too"
"Brother, why did you mention breakfast now I am hungry, and I don't want to cook too" whined the boy.
" I know baby brother I left your part of food in the fridge, you just need to heat it."
With this, the,e sulking and pouting face of yibo changed into a cheerful smile
"You are the best kuan ge"
As he thanked his brother and with this, he hanged up the call....heading toward food...

heading toward food

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This is my first time writing a story

Please bear up with me
Hope you will like it...

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