4. My sam

409 18 2

Samaira Singhania

Ashi wasn't kidding when she said the whole Palace knows thanks to maa sa she cleared the air by scolding everyone to not spread baseless rumours thanks to her I was saved from the embarrassment now I was sitting with her in the lawn having tea

"I can't thank you enough my dear"
"What for maa sa?"
"I never saw this side of rajveer,samaira you're truly an angel"
"It's not just me maa sa it's the love you've shown him too"
"Even you know the truth sweetheart"
"Leave it na maa sa veer won't like us talking about that topic"

I gave maa sa,a worried glance of what if he heard,she just gave a calm look telling me he didn't heard anything I sighed with relief

"What do you want veer?"
Veer: The video games you ordered-
Veer: Yes
Veer: sorry maa sa you know right how she gets excited with games
Maa sa: Not something I'm not familiar with

They both giggled and I followed veer

"You should have simply told me they are in my room"
Veer: Like you know the way to your room

We both laughed and I quickly folded my legs and sat on the carpet itself but it didn't matched to the level of the TV my video game is connected to so I shifted to the bed
I started playing while veer who was laying on my pillow reading a novel now placed his head on my lap making my legs his pillow after a comfortable silence took place between I asked him the important question for which I'm here for stay

Veer: Hmm?

He gave me a glance from his book still in his hands

"Are you sure about ashika's marriage?"

There was a few seconds silence he placed the novel on the bed

Veer: What do you think about it?
"At first,I was like woah why am I hearing about ashika's marriage instead of veer's"
Veer: "Veer's",how did you even expected that

We both chuckled

"At first even I was very hesitant about her getting married I mean she's still young and has to see a lot of what world has,but I guess our younger ones always stays young for us just as parents says kids are always kids for their parents it's time,she's mature enough to make her own decisions let her decide what she wants or what she chooses for her life"
Veer: You're right,I didn't agreed to the alliance at first too but seeing my sister I never knew she grew up so early I've asked her to decide what she wants she seems confused I hope she doesn't stress herself much but we can clearly see she's already doing that"
"Don't worry about that,I'll have a talk with her"
Veer: Thank you
"Want me to kill you"

He chuckled

Veer: No seriously the way you always help me sought my thoughts I can never be so open to anyone
"That's your Sam's magic you know"
Veer: Yeah my Sam's magic

I felt something in my stomach the something I always feel around him when he does such talks is this wrong to feel like this over your best friend,it definitely is

"Bhabi sa..oh sorry did i interrupted your sweet moment"

She asked teasingly and jumped on my bed pushing once laid veer from my lap and settling herself there

Veer: Yah!ashika don't you know manners
Ashi: Woah bhai sa heard my name from you first time
Veer: You little piece-
Ashi: Bhabi sa is this the limited edition-

She shrieked and took hold of the other controller

"Wait let me switch to two players"

We both royally ignored yells of angry rajveer and enjoyed our game

Rajveer Rajput

I was being ignored by my lovely best friend and sister


I glared at both who didn't even heard the knock I went towards the door and opened it

"Yuvraj,maharani is asking everyone's presence for lunch"

I gave her a nod and closed the door

"Guys,time for lunch"

No reply

"I'll take off the plug"

I warned them walking near the switch board of the TV


I stopped and folded my hands giving her a glare she quickly paused the game stood up

Ashika: Such a kill sport you are bhai sa
"Shut up ashika"

I rolled my eyes at her

"Don't forget you have to attend a meeting after lunch sam"
Sam: Thank you for reminding me veer I almost forgot about that

I gave her a nod we took our seats on the dining table waiting for others

Sam:My back hurts
"Who asked to play sitting in the same position"

I told her as I turned her to face her back to me and gave her a massage

"Yuvraj,I can do that"

One of the servant asked coming forward to whom I gave a glare and muttered

"I didn't asked you"

Samaira muttered pointedly and turned herself to her original position as everyone started filling the dining hall

"What?is it wrong to give my best friend a massage"

I whispered as samaira was passing me glares

Sam:You should know better,Prince that you can't give massage so oddly in the dining hall

I rolled my eyes

"So samaira,haven't you explored the city yet?"

My father asked starting a conversation with samaira tho he barely does with anyone

Sam: No baba sa I was thinking of going out tomorrow
Baba sa: That's good
Sam: Are you free tomorrow?we can go together
Baba sa: How can I decline your offer

Samaira giggled

Sam: You can say if you're busy baba sa I won't mind
Baba sa: I'll cancel my schedule for you my dear

Woah he never talked this sweetly with anyone we had our lunch with their conversation no talking while eating "rule" long forgotten as it was king himself who was speaking

Sam: Thank you baba sa
Aashika: Can I join too?
Sam: I would love to go with you
Baba sa: Yuvraj,
"Yes,baba sa"
Baba sa: You handle tomorrow's affairs
"Baba sa-"

I gave a look to maa sa she'll definitely understand my unsaid words like always and she did, she gave me a nod

Maa sa:Why don't we all go, let's show our samaira how beautiful our city is

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