17 | hearts galloping wildly

11 2 3

"Daniel! Daniel, tell us about your accident?"

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"Daniel! Daniel, tell us about your accident?"

"Was it an intended crash by Harvey Baltimore? What would you like to say to him?"

"Why is Liliana Garza here? Have you reconciled?"

"Who is the mystery girl next to you? Does Liliana know about her?"

"Yes, who is she to you? Girlfriend or a fling?"

"Are you getting married here?"

"To Liliana or her?"

The questions did not cease. They kept coming, wave after wave of endless humiliation. My heart thundering, I inched away from the balcony, towards the room.

Daniel was rooted to the ground, he wasn't moving. I didn't want to risk going back outside. The paparazzi were a sea of attention hungry monsters; they had spread out all over the place.

I even caught a glimpse of one determined paparazzo hiding on a tree branch.

I couldn't breathe then, I felt like the walls were closing in upon me. Cameras clicked, voices hollered, and I couldn't run. What was happening to me? If they took a picture of me, they would know I was Evelyn Kingsmith's granddaughter.

The speculations would begin. My family would be labelled outcasts, stories would be made about us, why we weren't as rich. The paparazzi could dig if they wanted to, and I had landed myself in a bad mess.

What would papa say? What would he do if a bunch of these blood thirsty creatures turned up on our humble doorstep? Would mom enjoy the attention, use it to tarnish Evelyn's name?

I had to get out of here. It didn't matter where, as long as I was tucked far away, away from prying eyes. Gossip would eventually make its rounds but being involved in social media gossip was where I drew the line.

It had upended my life once before and I had weathered through it with great difficulty. I had someone by my side then. Now? I was just some girl trying to please her mother and con her way into an inheritance she didn't even want. Pathetic.

I turned to leave, heart hammering wildly in my chest. Pushing the balcony doors open, I had almost slipped back inside when Daniel's hand snaked over mine. My eyes caught his in a whirlwind of fear, anxiety, and worry.

Unable to read the expression on his face, my breathing turned shallow. His face was creased in tension, small lines of weariness making their way along the crinkles of his cheeks. At long last, I heard his voice, cracked and scared.

"Don't leave. Please."

It was all he said and all it took for my heart to break. One please and my knees were weak. I was not going to leave him here to fight this on his own. Nodding slightly, I extended my hand towards him.

He eyed my outstretched palm and a second later we were rushing back in inside. He shut the doors behind us, pulled in the curtains, blocking the cameras. We sped out of the room, Daniel close on my heels.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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