Chapter 16 - Stan Overboard

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"I will be," she disengaged from her friend and nodded at the Captain. "Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome Merryn, and I'm sorry that I didn't take action sooner, that put you in peril, that's unforgivable."

"It's okay Captain. It's not your fault. I suspect Rimmer has been affected by everything going on. He's not quite in his right mind."

"Possibly not, but in this horrible world we're in now I don't have the luxury of giving him the benefit of the doubt. Thank you, Merryn. And well done Mal."

The Captain clicked the cover closed on his gun's holster and walked away, his shoulders slumped.

"Glad I haven't got his job," muttered Mal. "Blimey, what a day. Listen, I've got to call Dave in the boat in about an hour, do you want to join me on that and say 'Hi' to Hope."

"That would be good. Thanks, Mal." He smiled at her, squeezed her hand then wandered off in search of food.


An hour later Merryn walked into the Radio room, joining Mal and Captain Summers.

"Mobile 1, this is Control. Dave, are you reading me? Over."

There was a brief pause and then the radio crackled. "This is Mobile 1, how's it going Mal?"

"I'm checking up on you Dave, how's progress?"

Summers moved across to the map on the wall, a magnet in hand and ready to place on the metal.

"Doing well thanks Mal. We've kept close to the coast and have had a nice cruise down the length of Chesil beach. Even managed to pick up a couple of lobsters from the pots I put out yesterday when I was out doing that sweep of the coast for you. I reckon her prime ministerness on the Isle will like those."

"You never bring me lobster Dave," said Mal, sounding hurt.

"I thought you were allergic to shellfish."

"Well, yes, but not that much. I'm willing to risk looking blotchy for a lobster. Can you call Hope up to the wheelhouse please? Merryn would like to say hi."

"Sure, hang on a mo." Dave leaned out of the wheelhouse and bellowed at Hope.

Summers rolled his eyes and flapped an impatient hand at Mal.

"So where are you now Dave?" continued Mal.

"As I speak, we're rounding the point of Portland Bill. It's glorious out here, flat and calm. Hang on, what the hell is that?"

"Mobile 1? Dave are you there?"

There was a crackle and then the channel re-opened. Gunfire sounded and Hope's voice came over the radio.

"Control. We're under attack. Three fast, small boats with groups of men on board. They came out of the lee of the island as we passed. They must have had scouts up on the top of the hill looking west. They've got machine guns! One man down." There was the sound of shattering glass and Hope screamed "Dave!"

Mal went white. "Hope, please continue to report. We'll get to you as soon as we can."

"Sergeant Harper's taken out one boat, Dave's injured but still steering. Two men down. Oh god, Stan!" There was a pause and Hope came back on the speaker. "They shot Stan and he fell overboard."

Merryn leaned over Mal and hit the transmit button on the radio. "I will find you Hope. We're on the way. Stay alive."

There was silence. Merryn straightened up and walked out of the room.

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