
"Don't call me that, it disgusts me! And don't call me anymore I would exact vengeance when I'm desperate too!"

With that, Jisoo hung up.

The night was once again dead silent.

Jisoo walked to the window and waved both hands, parting the curtains with a whoosh.

The street lights were now well lit.

And she was not drowsy at all.

She washed her face in cold water, dressed up and left.

After all, the night was still young.

She had a long stroll, looking up at the skies and did her best to keep her tears from flowing.

She suddenly paused when she saw a bar flashing with neon lamps, and she hesitated for a moment before entering.

Heavy metal music punctured her eardrums immediately while colorful lights shone across all direction. Countless men and women were glued together at the center of the dance floor, twirling without any sense of exhaustion.

Jisoo suddenly regretted coming.

She took a seat by the bar and said to the bartender, "Whiskey"

Frost began to build one the cup from the ice block floating in the pale-yellow drink.

But Jisoo downed it instantly, its hot alcoholic taste stirring her entire spirit while the bartender was left speechless.

The woman was tough.

Whiskey is a strong spirit that even men have to take by sips, while she had gulped it down in one ago.

Still, the alcohol soon kicked in and Jisoo used it an excuse to throw herself on the bar and start crying while her cheeks burned.

Her sobs grew louder, but the heavy metal music was loud enough to stop anyone from noticing.

That was when someone touched her shoulder. "It's late, lady. Are you alone?"

Jisoo looked up and, having liquid courage, screamed, "Get lost!"

The man was huge, had rather angry look, and his narrowed-eyes smile was sinister. "Come, I know a place where we can enjoy ourselves"

With that, he took her hand and led her away.

Dazed and light-headed, Jisoo was basically passive.

"Let go of me!"

Unable to shake the man off, Jisoo promptly opened her mouth and bit down viciously on the man's hand.

Hurt, the man slapped her firmly across the face. "F*ck! Are you coming or not!"

Jisoo's ears were ringing and she shot the man a deadly glare while cursing, "What the f*ck? Idiot! stay away from me or I'll f*cking split your head!"

The man glared back at her, pulled her hair and slapped her again.

"You best behave or you're gonna get it!"

Jisoo was seeing stars from the assault, and her scalp hurts as if it was torn apart.

With her wrist feeling like it could break from the man's hold, she dug her nails into his flesh and he let go from the pain. Then, once again fueled by liquid courage, she bit down on his arm, her jaw clamping down violently.

"Ouch!" The man exclaimed in agony, and slapped her again.

Jisoo seemed to feel no pain however, and she was stubbornly trying to tear out of chunk of flesh in fact, the taste of fresh blood was spreading inside her mouth.

That was when the man landed a foot on her stomach and she slammed heavily into the floor, feeling like her skull was about to break.

But as she despaired, a large figure suddenly arrived and landed a roundhouse kick on the man, leaving him on the floor. However, he got up quickly and the two began a melee.

Enduring her pain, Jisoo stood up and leaned heavily on a wall panting.

Her eyes were blurry and full of double-visions. As she shook her head and vaguely found that the man who saved her was landing some heavy blows, quickly twisting the angry-looking man's arm. Then, with the sound of crunching bones and a scream, the angry-looking man was left on his knees.

Then, the other man come to Jisoo, and she could tell despite her dazedness that he wore glasses that reflected the lights, and that his voice was cool, "Are you alright?"

Jisoo shook her head, and he was ready to leave.

"Hey...." Jisoo caught him by instinct, and pleaded with a shudder, "Could....could you take me home?"

The man appeared upset and started to remove her fingers one by one, but said, "Fine"

And with that, as if he bonds were cut loose, Jisoo fell prone into his arms.

She clearly felt the man stiffen.

There were pungent odors of antiseptic wafting from his body.

Jisoo closed her eyes, holding her tears. "Thank you....Thanks...."

The ache from drinking left Jisoo's stomach churning, but she could not vomit.

The car then stopped after some time, and the man sent her upstairs. "Don't hit the bars from now on".

Jisoo looked up, struggling to get a look at the man's face. However, it was as if her vision was blocked by a layer of fog that could not be removed.

He left, just like the wind.

Jisoo closed her eyes as her consciousness faded.

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now