Maria but she likes to annoy Katarina for fun

Start from the beginning

"And here I thought she was gonna fall for it..." She hummed.

She heard a chuckle.

Behind a tree?

"Oh... Master Claes." It was just Keith.

One of the capture targets.

'He's boring.' she looked away huffing.

"What's with that look, Miss Campbell?" He grinned walking over.

"Apologies, Master Claes. Did I look rude to you per se?" Maria smiled.

He laughed under a hand.

"Seriously... You're a funny one." He leaned down a bit close to her face and height.

"Were you trying to seduce that despicable woman with those baked goods? Can I have on--"


Maria kept up a smile on her face.

"Hohh..?" Keith pulled back to stand upright.

"Why not?" He frowned, trying to look pitiful.

"These are reserved now, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait until I make another batch tomorrow or never for you." Maria chuckled.

'This woman...' Keith felt a brow twitch, somehow, he also found her annoying just like how Katarina had been finding her annoying whenever they'd meet alone, on timely occasions sorry the academy, "Not even one?"

"I'm afraid not." Maria said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go somewhere."

"Oh, yeah, you do... You're off to fuck my step-sister in her room." Keith rolled his eyes.

"Rude, it's a gesture of friendship." Maria spat back with a smile, "Unlike me, you sleep with women with those older or younger than you just to vent how lonely you are..."

"Wha--..!?" Keith didn't know how she knew that but before she could ask, she disappeared in a turn of a corner.

"That woman..!"


Katarina had burst into her dorm and kicked Anne out who in turn, didn't answer and just left to go to the room she stays in. Far from her.

Well, she kicked her out so there must be a reason.

Maria snuck over to Katarina's door and knocked. Fortunately, there were no other noble ladies in sight in the corridor.




Katarina pulled the door open violently and when she saw that damn smile, she grabbed her by that white-collar and pink bow and inside.


The door shut tight with a click of the lock.

"You're late." She hissed.

"I'm sorry," Maria's words didn't fit that grinning face she had.

Katarina grumbled rolling her eyes.

"What am I even doing..?" She sighed, a hand to her forehead, it ached from her abrupt actions lately.

"Here." Maria pulled one out of the basket.

"Nobody will know you like my baking." She gleamed.

Katarina stared at her with wide eyes.

"I'm going to kill you one day..." Those words didn't match how red her cheeks were as she pulled the cupcake wrapper off to eat the delicious treat.

"Mhm," Maria sat down on the chair near her desk.

"Seriously, what is with you..!?" Katarina sat down on her bed.

"What's with me that you find annoying?" Maria asked.

"Your smile is rude, you're intrusive on occasions, and you have a stupid sense of humor..!" Katarina listed down a few.

"Is that it?" Maria chuckled, 'This is fun...'

"No, there's more where that came from so don't get me started." Katarina spat back.

"Oh, no~" Maria grinned, handing the basket to her when she finished on the first.

"Don't get sassy with me." Katarina pulled a muffin out of the basket.

"Ouch, that hurt~" Maria played coy.

"I'm warning you, commoner..." Katarina bit down on the treat.

"Even if you try, nothing will shut me up, how could I do so to someone I dear most~?" Maria was playing coy.

"One more word out of your mouth and your toast... And it'll be final." Katarina was just about to go on her third muffin.

"Can I get a kiss?"








Katarina's stomps were just as loud as the hand she slammed down on the desk.

The muffin on the other, her blue eyes glared down at another set of blue eyes.

Maria's smirk was not dying out no matter how hard she tries to scare her and bullying had no effect on her either.

"Was that just a challenge I heard..?" Katarina asked.

"Too hard of a challenge?" Maria joked back.

"You'll be kissing a fist if you try and get even just your face near mine, commoner..." Katarina gripped the edge of the desk.

"I have a name..." Maria hummed, reaching a hand down, she grabbed the hand Katarina was holding a muffin on.

Katarina clenched her teeth to cut off a remark on that.

"And it's Maria." Maria smiled, she pulled Katarina's occupied with a muffin hand in between them.

It hid their lips behind the sweet treat.

"Aren't you at least gonna call me by my name as payment with all the sweets you've stolen from me by now~?" She liked annoying her.

And yes, she popped a nerve on Katarina to make her bark like a dog at her again.

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