Hospitals Scare Him

Start from the beginning

"J...j...Jack," Alex sobbed, grabbing onto him tighter.

"I know baby," Jack whispered to him as he rubbed his back. The nurse came in and saw how high his heart rate is, and she tried to get it to go down but that made Alex just yell and cling tighter to Jack.

"Uhm I got it he's just scared right now he hates hospitals," Jack said stroking his hair.

The nurse understands and leaves the room, and Jack just holds him on his lap. He's extremely good at comforting Alex, he's used to this so he ends up calming him down rather quickly and now Alex is just laying on him in the hospital bed. He is snuggled up against Jack, and so close he could feel Jack's every breath, movement, and heartbeat. Jack held him, stroking his light brown hair and kissing his forehead every minute or so. Alex held his hand and rested his head on his chest and they both ended up watching crappy hospital tv.

A few hours later, Alex was able to get discharged and he was happy to get out of the hospital. "Alex I'm gonna sign the paperwork, you and Jack meet me there okay?" His mom said, kissing his cheek.

Alex nodded, and once his mom left the room he moved up the bed to sit up. He didn't know how to ask Jack for help, he was so tired from the medication he could barely keep his eyes open. Jack sensed it though, and he got up and helped Alex sit at the edge of the bed.

"Can I help you, Lex?" Jack asked him as he took off his hoodie for Alex to wear, and the jeans that somehow didn't get blood on them.

"Yeah," Alex muttered as he held tightly onto Jack's hand.

Jack smiled at him, and Alex placed his hand on Jack's shoulders as he slid his pants onto him. He felt Jack's hand graze up his body, and he missed his boyfriend's touch so much. When Jack took off Alex's gown, he saw his boyfriend frown and look down.

"Baby what?" Jack asked as he kissed his hand.

"I miss you touching me Jacky," Alex said to him. His head wasn't the best right now, but he did mean what he said. He missed how close they used to be, how they used to just make out sometimes. The ways that they would touch each other, besides hand-holding. He missed Jack's touch.

"I miss you touching me baby, we can soon once you heal okay?" Jack said, kissing his lips.

"Please," Alex said, kissing him more as he grabbed Jack's waist.

"Baby no not now you're healing but when we get to your house I'll let you kiss me all tonight," He said.

Alex would have put up more of a fight, but he understood that was the deal. He let Jack get his other half-dressed and eventually got to Alex's house. May let Jack stay at Alex's tonight, since Jack, Alex, Rian, and Zack ended up getting a week off because of what occurred. It was a good thing for Alex, he needed to heal since it would be healed soon and Jack wasn't mentally ready to be at school anyway.

"Alex, are you hungry?" His mom asked him as Jack helped him inside.

"Mmmm not right now mommy I'm okay I'm gonna lay with Jacky," Alex smiled as he wrapped his arms around Jack for stability. He walked upstairs with Jack and sat on his bed.

"Tired Lex?" Jack asked him, kissing his forehead.

"A little can you get me in bed Jacky?" Alex asked his boyfriend, placing his hands on his hips.

"Okay baby I got you," Jack said, kissing his forehead. He took off Alex's jeans and helped him get into his pajamas. Jack wasn't tired whatsoever, he felt like he couldn't sleep.

Once he got Alex under the covers, he went under the covers with him. He felt terrible, he knew Alex said it wasn't his fault but he felt like it was. It was his bully; it was all his fault that this had happened to Alex and he didn't mean it. Once Alex fell asleep on his chest, he stroked his hair and started to cry silently. He just wanted to be happy with Alex, but he was so tired of him and Lex never caught a break. He didn't deserve him anyway, sometimes he didn't understand why Alex liked him so much.

Alex's eyes fluttered open, and he saw Jack's face glistening with tears. He hated to see his chocolate brown eyes tear-filled. "Jacky stop worrying, please? I love you."

"I'm sorry Alex," Jack cried, covering his face. He was still relatively sensitive to the other events that occurred.

"Baby it's okay I'm fine. You're okay, I'm not mad it's not your fault stop feeling guilty Jack," Alex said.

"I'm trying, okay? I love you too, I just don't deserve me," Jack said.

"Shut up and stop fucking worrying god Jack. I love you," Alex said, kissing him intensely.

"But-" Jack muttered before Alex cut him off once again by kissing him.

"It's just us here Jack, that's all none of our worries, just us," Alex told him.

Jack nodded and pulled his boyfriend as close as he could. He kissed him just as Alex could, and held on tightly to Lex's hand. Alex smiled at Jack finally starting to just kiss him and mean it, he hadn't felt that in a while.

"Thank you," Alex muttered as he laid his head tiredly on Jack's chest.

Jack looked at him a little bit confused, but he went along with it. He held his boyfriend as he slept, and ended up just playing video games until Alex woke up around 9 pm.

Alex stirred in his sleep, and woke up and yawned as he looked up at Jack. He still had both hands around him, just also playing Call of Duty on Alex's Xbox. Jack saw Lex wake up, and he paused the game.

"Hi baby," Jack smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Hi, can we get something to eat Jack?" Alex asked him.

"Yeah, of course, your mom made stuff for me while you were asleep and you have some in the fridge," Jack said as he pulled his boy up from the bed.

Alex nodded, and they went downstairs and got Alex's food, and sat on the couch. Alex had already hated the feel of the brace on his face, he knew it would be off soon though. Luckily he had a week off with Jack, they didn't even have to do anything really. After Alex ate he began to look at Jack with pleading eyes.

"Yeah?" Jack smiled as he held him on the couch in his lanky arms.

"Soon?" Alex asked.

Jack immediately knew what he was referring to, and he wanted to but he knew he wasn't ready yet. This was mainly because he was so skinny, he didn't understand how Alex could find him so attractive. He was so skinny, so lanky and so broken. "I'm not ready yet Alex and neither are you."

Alex did agree with his boyfriend's opinion, he didn't want to mess up his nose on the first day of having it in the brace. "Okay Jacky, I love you though no matter what."

Jack smiled and kissed his boyfriend and they both ended up crashing on the couch in Alex's living room entertained together.

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