Baby Sitting Responsibilities // Javier Peña

Start from the beginning

As the day progressed for you two, you wished to be back home with Javi. You'd distanced yourself so much from your family that things just got too awkward at the end of it all. It was like they didn't know who you were anymore. You didn't expect anything less from them either. You never could be the perfect child like your sister. Quite frankly, you didn't care. You wanted to be happy.

After nearly guzzling an entire pot of coffee, Javier felt like he was ready to undertake babysitting duties. Layla was sitting on the rug in front of the TV. Genie didn't let her watch TV as it was "good" for her. Javi didn't care, it wasn't like he watched anything that was detrimental. He had the TV running, but it was on mute. Layla was engrossed in playing with the blocks on the floor before her.

The reason Javi didn't want a baby was because he felt like it was too much. The two of you had barely moved into this apartment and things were going so well. There was no reason to bring a tiny human being into the mix. At least not now. Javier had tried to ignore how you felt about it, or he had tried to not let himself think the same things.

To be honest, Javi didn't think he would be a good dad. Secretly, he felt like he had failed you a few times. Especially when there wasn't enough money or good enough food to grace the table. He could barely handle disappointing you, but disappointing a tiny human who doesn't know better and expects you to protect them from everything? Javi really couldn't handle that at all. The thought alone made him want to cry. He sniffled softly as Layla was babbling.

Her bright eyes gazed at him. "Stop looking at me like that. Play with your toys." Javi said, sternly. And at the same time, Javi's job didn't exactly command fatherhood. However, Javi knew it was something you desperately wanted.

• • •

Back at the mall, the two of you were sitting at the food court. Genie had insisted on eating vegan food. You weren't really sure what was on the plate, but your appetite had been lost on the subject for sure. Genie talked and talked, but it all fell on deaf ears. You sighed. "Are you even listening to me?" She asked. You looked over. "Yeah, something about David?" You said, trying to guess the topic.

She sighed in annoyance. "You're lucky I still have places to go because you are seriously bumming me out." She grunted, wiping her mouth. She threw the napkin onto the tray and lunch was finished. We went to another few stores after that.

Javier had moved from sitting on the couch to sitting on the floor. He was lying on his belly, watching Layla. She was having a bottle for lunch. She blinked softly, watching him. "Is that good?" He asked, chuckling. Javi found himself wanting to sit for hours and watch her just play and learn different things about herself and the environment. Before long, she was snoozing with him back on the couch.

"You're getting soft, Javi." He said to himself as he was patting her on the back.

Finally, you found yourself heading back to the apartment with Genie. She had continued to talk the entire time, mostly about herself like usual. "This trip was great, but you need to work on your mood." She announced as she pulled the car up to the curb and parked it. "Well, things are not as easy for me like they are for you, sis." You say. "Well, whatever. Just do better y'know." She said, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"You ready to go?" Javi asked, finishing changing Layla's diaper. She babbled happily, grinning at him. "That's what I thought." He finished dressing her before lifting her up. There was the turning of the tumblers on the apartment deadbolt. "Here comes mom." He said softly. You opened the door to find Javi standing there. It was a yearning sight to see Javi with Layla like that.

You had to stop yourself from bursting into tears. Javi caught the look in your eye. Genie came over, cooing and taking Layla from Javi's arms. "I trust everything went alright...?" Genie said, narrowing her eyes at him. "She's great, even for a lower class babysitter like myself." He grunted. She turns towards you, holding the baby. "Say goodbye to your aunt. We have to get home and get changed to meet daddy for dinner later." She said. You reach out as Layla's chubby fingers do the same. "Bye-bye sweet pea." You say softly.

Genie leaves shortly after. You and Javier are left alone. An awkward silence lingers between you two. You sniffle. "I should start dinner." You say, moving into the kitchen. As you start to rustle with the food, Javi comes from behind. He grabs you by the arm and spins you around to face him. There's a heavy weight in your gut when he does it. "Javi—" his lips crash against yours. "I'm sorry." He mutters between kisses. You're not sure what he's apologizing for.

"I've been stupid. I've been selfish..." he says. "But today...god, today changed everything for me." He adds. You don't even know what to say at this point. He's pouring his heart out and yet a reason hasn't been revealed. "I don't want to be selfish anymore. I want to give you everything. All of myself. All for you." More desperate kisses pelted your lips. "Javi..." "I wanna have a baby. I wanna try to have one." He says suddenly. It catches you off guard by an extreme amount. "What?" You squeak. "I don't wanna think about it. I don't wanna even talk anymore." He says, ignoring the question and hoisting you up. Your thighs saddle his forearms and your calves form to his waist.

In the morning, all of those ill and emotional feelings have subsided into a sexed out bliss on both ends. The sun is blazing across the tan colored sheets of the bedding. It's a wonderful start to a beautiful morning.

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