Chapter 9 - Finally <3

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By the time I led my squad into his office, I had regained all composure. Thrawn was leaning on the table at the end of the room, again tapping away at his datapad. He looked up and gave us all a little smile, his eyes lingering on BD for a moment.

"Thank you for your prompt arrival," he said. I noted he had changed and showered himself, and wondered if he'd had to rush like I did. Even though I'd seen his speed capabilities in battle, I couldn't conjure the image of him rushing for any other purpose.

"I have a long mission for you all, unfortunately. You'll be traveling to Jakku and retrieving information for me. It is top secret, and you shall speak to no one but me about it. Is that clear?"

I nodded, "yes, sir."

"Good. I'm sending the report to you. The location will be under heavy guard. I expect stealth though. If you cannot get in without notice, do not attempt to get in at all. Return to the Chimaera either way."

My eyebrows furrowed. "You think there is a chance we will fail, then?" I asked cautiously.

"No, I don't think you will. But, if there is any chance you'll be noticed, then you will not continue." I scanned the documents. The information was incomplete, with little to go off of. Half of it appeared to be speculation.

"Are you sure these are the right coordinates?" I asked, reviewing the data. It was in the middle of nowhere, on a backwater planet that nobody goes to.

"They are. I want readings of the planet itself, as well as the stronghold."

I nodded. If it even was a stronghold. Then I noticed something. It was Imperial. My face scrunched again, and I looked up at him.

"Imperial?" I asked.

"So it seems," he said with a little nod. I continued to stare at him. I thought I saw a slimmer of concern under his hard expression, and realized the mission was genuine. He wanted to know what was happening here, and he trusted us to find out.

"I understand," I said confidently. From his expression, he wasn't surprised by the fact that I caught the importance.

"Good. You will take whatever transportation you deem necessary, and stock up on rations and supplies. Jakku is not a friendly place, neither the locals, nor the planet itself. If you think you need anything for your mission, don't hesitate to ask. You'll leave in two hours. It is a long journey from where we are, but the Chimaera is currently trying to cut some of that distance off for you. You'll leave when we exit hyperspace." He paused, apparently thinking. I remained still. My team hadn't budged since entering the room. "I expect it may take up to two weeks, depending on how it goes. If you run into any trouble, do not call anyone but the Chimaera. Do you understand?"

"I do, sir. Top secret." He nodded.

"Good. You're dismissed." I eyed him for a split second before nodding, my eyes flashing over his lips. Bastard.


It had taken us four whole days to get to the stronghold. We'd had to cross the desert on half broken down land speeders, and it had been slow. By the time we got to it and began recon, I was on edge. Something about this planet was not right. The readings were off the charts, like the core of the planet could explode any minute. And the guns stationed high in the hills indicated something was definitely here.

Night fell, and my team returned to our makeshift camp. Six hours of scouting and only one possible way in. I scowled, trying to find another option. But there were none. We ate and drank, preparing our bodies for the difficult task ahead.

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