Chapter 5 - Meeting Vader

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A few weeks later


I was sitting in my office trying to finish a report when my office door slid open. I looked up, expecting it to be Darro or Dante, but stood up immediately when I saw who it was. Tarkin led Vader in, and I bowed my head deeply. I knew Vader would feel my fear, but I tried to feel excited too, hoping to cover up my deception. Obviously, meeting him was an honor. Or so I tried to believe.

"My lord," I said, then finally lifted my head. "Sir," I said to Tarkin, nodding.

He sat down in one of chairs, though Vader and I remained standing. I pulled my hands behind my back and kept my spine straight.

"Vader has a mission for you," Tarkin said, his voice a shade darker than usual. My services have never been given out to anyone before, and I got the distinct feeling he was uncomfortable with it. Curious. I shifted to look at Vader, wondering why he wasn't using his own resources.

"Name it," I said boldly and confidently to Vader. Bail may have told me to avoid the dark lord, but for one, I couldn't just say no. And for two, this is an opportunity I can't pass up. I would impress the dark lord to the best of my abilities.

"A bounty hunter has taken something important from me. Unfortunately, Tarkin and I have more critical matters to attend to. He has assured me that you are not only efficient, but discrete."

"The Grand Moff is right my lord," I said, and I let my face shift slightly, a small, determined, ready expression.

"Good. He will debrief you," he said. Then he turned and left, his cape dancing dramatically behind him.

I sat down and met Tarkin's gaze.

"Is everything alright, sir?"

"Yes, Commander." He sighed a small, quick sound. "You'll be tracking her with little information from me, unfortunately." He looked down, tapping at his datapad. "I've just sent you the report Vader received, and all known information on the bounty hunter. Expect to be gone until you find her, Commander. Vader wants it back."

I raised my eyebrows at him. This was... intriguing. I wanted to ask questions, but decided Tarkin wasn't in the mood.

When he left, I forwarded the reports to my team with instructions to prepare for a long journey. About 30 minutes later, Kandria requested to come see me.

"Hey boss lady," she said, slipping in and sitting in one of the chairs. I smiled at her. She was the only one who didn't call me Commander, though all of them have finally started calling me Lilya on occasion.

"Have you looked up the bounty hunter yet?"

I shook my head. "I had to finish some reports first. Why?"

She sighed a little. "Her name is Jayash Glastoc, and honestly, she's a ghost."

I raised my eyebrow. There was no such thing as a ghost when it came to Kandria and her datapad. "Then how do we find her?" I asked. I already knew what routes I would take, but I wanted to hear hers.

"Well, I suppose we'd start with the guilds. We have to find someone who knows her."

I nodded, thinking. "And if we don't find anyone?" I finally asked. If she was a ghost, then the guild may not lead us anywhere.

She let out a big sigh this time, and I was surprised by it. I've never seen her not have answers. "I don't know, boss." I nodded slowly, then I commed the rest of the team.

When they entered, Kellchri sat in the other chair and Darro and Finon stood.

"Tell me your thoughts," I said, the statement I almost always started with. I wanted to know where their own thoughts lie before I influenced them. Not to mention, their opinions and ideas were invaluable to me.

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