I know I have the looks to attract a respectable mate, lets just hope my personality can keep up. I have no clue how to be humble, or how to not act like I'm not better than everyone around me. My whole life i've been raised to believe I was.

This whole finding a Luna for my pack should be as easy as me saying "I choose her" and bam...it's done. Of course, that's not how life works. Even for an Alpha. In my opinion it should, but apparently my opinion won't make it a reality.

I have to figure out how to be charming and seductive, because the one thing (probably the only thing) I know about Azariah, is that she won't put up with some heavy handed, egotistical, dominant Alpha male.

I've dated enough women to know what I do, and don't want in a female who's going to be my Luna. She needs to be smart, strong, loyal, and definitely beautiful. Azariah meets all those. Most would tell you that choosing your mate should be based on love and respect, and while I agree with the respect I find that love is not necessary. Sure it would be nice, but these decisions should be based on practical things, not some notion that love is the answer to all.

Of course this whole thing is gonna be a hard sell. She's close with her pack, and it's gonna take a lot to convince her to leave. And if she's the romantic type, i'll have to fake an emotion I know nothing about. How hard can it be?

As I pull up to her house I start second guessing my decision to not bring her flowers. I read somewhere that women love that sort of thing, that it's romantic. To late now, i'll have to try to remember for next time.

I get out and start walking towards the door when Azariah comes out.

"You know, your supposed to wait inside until I knock."

"Oh sorry. I can go back in if you want. Maybe have my dad come and give you the whole have her home by 9 or i'll come looking for you spiel." she taunts.

"To late now, you've already ruined it." I turn quickly so I can get to the car door before her. I've been told that opening doors is what a gentleman should do. And since I'm pretending to be one I better look like I know what i'm doing.

Neither of us says anything as I start the car and pull away from her house. Azariah waits till were heading out of town before she asks "So where are we going?"

I'm taking her to a nearby human town, it was the closest place I searched that had what I was looking for."Kings buffet."

"Never heard of it" she gets a puzzled look on her face.

"Oh, I think you'll love it. Everything is set up buffet style, and it's all you can eat"

She turns her body towards me, "Ummm, so we have to get up and make our own plates? Doesn't that take away the whole purpose of going out?"

Well shit, I hadn't thought of that. Here I am taking her on our first date, and she has to serve herself. "Did you miss the all you can eat part? I figured as fun as it would be to see the look on the waiters face when you order six meals, that might not be so fun on my wallet" I try to come off as joking but failed.

"I'm happy to pay for my own meal." She tells me with clear agitation in her tone.

Oh boy, this is going south fast. How the hell do I navigate this one. The Alpha in me wants to tell her to lose the attitude, but even I know thats a bad idea.

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