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"Oh those eyes

Those brown eyes

They draw me in close

Then let me go

But I don't know if I want to"

The clouds rippled over each other like a soft blanket over the sky. It's not uncommon that Toronto's sky was lacking the brilliant blue color that comes in the summer, it is fall after all. Crossing the street, barely looking both ways, I made my way to the convenient store at yonge and dundas square. The large plaza was full of people: tourists, homeless, students- like me. A sudden wall of fatigue hit me hard, which has been a normal occurrence for the past few years. Fatigue, random aches and pains, rushes of adrenaline. Drew is convinced I have some sort of cancer but all the doctors are positive I am completely healthy. Though, I do wonder if I have some sort of brain tumor- sometimes I hear the voice of someone speaking in my head, and it's not my own.

I scanned down the aisles looking for all of the things I came for- keeping a mental checklist while shopping. I never liked attention so I made sure to grab all of the items quickly and for some.. Discreetly. Checking out I kept my head down, smiling slightly at the cashier's attempt at small talk.

"That'll be $52.85" He smiled.

Shit, there goes the rest of my paycheck. Trying to show my discomfort I slipped my card into the reader and prayed I actually did have enough money after all. Quickly he passed me the receipt and I left the store in a hurry.

The wind had already started to pick up, signaling another storm coming in. Luckily going to University of Toronto it's easy to get around quickly. You have to know the ins and outs of the city if you want to live here. Catching a bus I was on my way back home.


Jungkook POV

I fell to the floor after running through our dance routine for what feels like the hundredth time. We looked to the dance supervisor for approval, then he signaled for us to do it again. The song, Dionysus, started playing once again. Usually when I dance my mind goes somewhere else, it's weird but I day dream about mundane things- like buying stuff from a convenient store. Looking up from the floor the cashier was standing right in front of me, and I was about to run into him. Out of sheer reflex I leaped out of his way, running into Hosek.

"Woah!" He stumbled, "Dude, what's wrong?" He looked concerned.

Quickly I looked around, there was no sign of the clerk I just saw.. But he was right in front of me!

"N-nothing." I panted, "Just slipped." They all shrugged it off and returned to their position, starting the song over again.

It felt so real, that's never happened before- where my daydreams were right in front of me or distracted me from the real world.

We continued practice, and I tried to keep my mind far away from my day dreams.

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