"There is someone willing to invest now.There is no need for us to disband Winter Night." Bao Jun said watching as the board of directors glanced at each other confused.

"There is someone willing to invest? Have you investigated the background of this person?" Mr Ling asked.

"Of course. You don't need to worry. As you all know, my cousin is a die hard fan of Winter Night. For the sake of keeping Winter Night together, she was willing to invest. I will sell her 40% of my shares in exchange. That way, we can save MMF Entertainment." Bao Jun said.

"40%? A whole 40%? Mr Tang,you are aware that you hold 70% of shares in MMF Entertainment. Selling out 40% will no longer make you the biggest share holder and that means your cousin will have to appear at every board meeting. From what I heard, her identity has been kept from the public since she was little.Is Tang Group now ready to expose her identity?" Mr Zhang asked.

"As you all know, Tang Group is united. My cousin won't be exposing her identity. Even though she is now the largest shareholder, I will remain as the largest shareholder to you all because I will be handling her rights in the company. That being said, please do not worry. Now,as we are about to make a comeback, I say let's do it with a strong force. In the past few years, we had been facing a crisis and were unable to debut any new groups. Now that we are rising from the ashes, let's try and push forward our old trainees. What do you say?" Bao Jun asked glancing at their faces.

The board of directors glanced round discussing amongst themselves and Tang Bao Jun crossed his fingers under the table praying they would agree. For many years, Winter Night had reigned not only in China but across the world. Disbanding them now would be a waste after years of hard efforts.

"Okay, Mr Tang. We accept. Since your cousin is willing to invest, we accept. After all, this means Tang Group will closely be associated with the company now." Mr Ling said.

"It's true my cousin does want to invest and in fact, I have already received the check. Since it's in different currency and the amount is huge, it might take some time to process but once it's done, I assure you that we can then push forward. I will also talk to Winter Night so they can start preparing for a comeback to let the fans know we no longer plan on disbanding them. I hope that you won't try to take advantage of Tang Group's kindness." Bao Jun said sternly.

"Of course not." Mr Zhang said.

"Then it's settled. This meeting is closed. Please feel free to leave. I still have to talk to the members of Winter Night." Bao Jun said.

Everyone stood up leaving the room and Bao Jun picked up the office phone calling his secretary to call Winter Night to his office. That crazy girl. Although in the past, he had also been against her obsession with Winter Night. This time it had saved MMF Entertainment. The problem was, how was he going to explain to Xinyi's parents should they ever find out? The board of directors were now aware his cousin was the one investing. Surely they must be thinking this was done with the approval of her parents since Xinyi was still under aged. If any of them were to blab, he didn't even want to imagine.


All the members of Winter Night were gathered in the practice room sitting and chatting. Randy and Liuxian were the same age and this had enabled them to be the best of friends. Mochi also sat down with them but he was the maknae and was very young so he was always playing video games. While they all sat down chatting, JH looked the mirror in front of him. Today, they had all dressed up casually since today was their last day.

Years of hard work and dedication had gone down the drain and JH blamed himself. If it hadn't been for the scandal he had with his ex-wife, Winter Night would still be on the roll making history. Their group had debuted six years back and everyone loved them and saw something that even he didn't see. After seeing the love and trust his fans had placed in him, he didn't want to disappoint. They had practiced hard, sacrificed their sleep and their best. Unfortunately, the fans never easily forgave.

"Mr Tang wants all of you in his office." A staff said bringing JH to reality.

All eyes seemed to be on him with question. Of course he understood what they were thinking. The unseen future scares everyone including them. Mr Tang was the CEO and the only time they ever met with him was when there was bad news.

"We'll be there." JH said.

JIANHONG'S SPOILED PRINCESS (WINTER NIGHT #1)Where stories live. Discover now