Chapter 13 - An Odious Toad

Start from the beginning

"We're having a cup of tea at Drewton Down, setting up camp for the night."

"Drewton? Isn't that where...?"

"Yes Control, no signs of life here. Or death for that matter. I'll fill you in when we get back."

"I'm sorry to hear that my friend, I'll be here." There was silence for a moment, and then Mal chirped up again. "When are you going to be back?"

"Tomorrow, I hope. Is the Captain there?"

"Yes, hang on a moment."

There was a brief delay and then the radio crackled back into life. "Control, Mal here. Captain Summers is right next to me."

Merryn looked nervous. "Captain, is it just you two in earshot?"

"Affirmative Scout 2. Me and Mal. You've piqued my interest, what's going on Merryn?"

"There's some odd things going on Captain, but I'll start simple and work up to complicated. Tom's decided to stay with Commander Pike, and we've found Stan."

"Noted Scout 2. I'm glad Tom's supporting Mrs Pike, she sounds formidable, but I'm sure she'll be happy to have an extra pair of hands. Where is Stan now?"

Merryn looked out of the window. "He's standing in a flowerbed outside my Nan's old house in Drewton Down. We've made contact and at the moment he's proving useful by carrying a large rucksack full of supplies."

"Scout 2, why do we never have a normal conversation? I know this isn't your fault, but just for once I'd love you to say something like 'nothing to report sir, all is quiet'." Summers' sigh carried across the radio waves. "So what's the plan Merryn?"

"I'm bringing Stan to you. He's not human anymore, but he can communicate and if we can get him to the Isle then maybe he'll be useful to the scientists there in explaining what's going on. But there's something else sir..."

Merryn outlined their experience with the sludge in the car as concisely as she could, trying not to relive the horror of the experience in her mind.

There was silence from the other end of the line for a moment. "Scout 2. Well done. You did the right thing there. There's more going on here too but I want you back as soon as you can with Stan. Get to Powderham Castle. It's closer to your location and we have people there. Once you're at the castle we can arrange transport straight across the river to the base. At Powderham, ask for Lieutenant Osborne. He will escort you to the boat."

"Thank you Captain," said Merryn, looking puzzled.

"See you tomorrow Scout 2. Summers out."

"Control, Mal here."

"Hi Mal."

"You sound like you've had a rough time Merryn, are you okay?"

"I've been better my friend, but I've got good people with me. We'll be okay."

"Get yourself home Merryn. I'll see you on the dock tomorrow."


"Well, there it is." The team had come into sight of the River Exe, emerging from the tree line one by one, Andrew moving away to one side to check the path ahead. The view from the top of the hill was breathtaking, the entire expanse of the city of Exeter lay below them, and to the south was Powderham Castle, being pointed at by Merryn. "And opposite, over the river there is the base."

Merryn frowned and her hand dropped to her crossbow. The others picked up on her tension and moved apart, reaching for their weapons. She looked at Stan who was as still as the birds around them, head canted to one side as if listening and spoke into the silence. "Come out where we can see you," she called and a lone figure in combat gear stood up from behind a bush some fifty metres ahead of them.

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