Chapter 12 - First Contact

Start from the beginning

"Does he mind being called Stan?" asked Marcia.

Hope nodded. "He seemed okay with it. We did ask."

"Well, if Alan likes him, that's good enough for me," said the old woman. "Alan may be a coward but he's a good judge of people."

Merryn looked at the dog. "We could do with a few more Alan's around the base."

"Why's he called Alan?" asked Andrew.

"Because my first husband was called Alan, and he was a whiny little toad too."

Eddie laughed. "How many times have you been married Mrs. P?"

"Four dear. I kept wearing them out, the poor sods." She grinned. "It's a tough life up here on the moor, but it's been a good one. Never thought I'd get to use a machine gun though."

Andrew looked out of the window. "I get the feeling Stan's going to be busy for a while."

"The best thing we can do is get some rest," said Merryn. "We'll take turns on watch, two-hour shifts 'til morning. Stan can stay out there tonight, but we'll need to work out what to do with him tomorrow.

"I'll watch him," said Hope. "We're not quite the same, but there's some common ground here."

"Okay Hope, that's fair enough."


Stan was standing at the fence as the sun came up, dark eyes watching as the sky changed from red to orange to blue, his gangly form thrown into sharp relief against the morning sky. He'd not moved once he had finished disposing of the inanimate zombies piled up against the fence, but turned to face Merryn as she approached.

"We're going to be moving today. Rejoining the rest of our group. Do you want to come with us?"

Stan nodded.

"Okay. You'll walk with Hope. When you see us going to the main gate, please join us there."

Stan nodded again and turned back to face the sunrise. Merryn shrugged and moved back into the barracks.

"Ready everyone? Right, let's get moving then."

"I'd like to stay here."

Merryn turned to face Tom and smiled. The lad had spent a lot of his time talking with Marcia over cups of tea and card games. Of all of them, he seemed to have enjoyed her company the most.

"Are you sure?"

Tom nodded. "Marcia could do with a hand, and I like it here. It's peaceful, kinda wild, but it feels like home." He turned to face Marcia. "If of course you'll have me. I don't want to tread on your toes."

The old lady walked over to Tom and gave him a hug, her head resting on his chest. "I can live with that young man, I might even promote you to deputy commander if you behave yourself."

Tom hugged her back and turned to the rest of the group. "Look after yourselves eh?"

They each hugged him in turn and Merryn paused before she left the barracks. "I'll get word to your father, and we'll get a radio out here as soon as we can. In the meantime, the morse code signal is being monitored so you do have some means of communication for now. Good luck Tom."

He nodded and the rest of them slipped out through the gate onto the moor. Merryn hugged Marcia. "Be careful."

"Don't you worry about me love, we'll be fine up here. You be careful as you go around the edge of the moors. Plenty of hideyholes, shotguns, and dark little corners around here. Follow the trail there, it'll bring you to the top side of Okehampton and onto the railway line. They reopened it a few years ago. Follow that for a bit and then drop onto the old dual carriageway. That'll lead you straight into Exeter, but the west corner, so you'll need to change direction and follow the river there south to your barracks, not continue on the rails."

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