Chapter 8 - Morse Code on the Moors

Start from the beginning

"We're back at the Scout Hut. We managed to get across the river and back across to where I originally found this motley bunch. Grabbed some food from a little corner store Eddie knew on the way here. We're eating through some pretty decent tins of curry, and Hope's knocked up some flatbreads. They're looking after me rather well."

"Sounds good Scout 2, glad you and the team are okay." There was a pause and a muffled sound."

"Why do I get the feeling Mal's got his hand over the mic and someone's about to relay a new order to us?" muttered Merryn.

"I'd say you were being cynical," muttered Eddie through a mouthful of food. "But you're probably right."

"Are you still there Merryn?"

"Still here control."

"Ok, I've been talking to Lieutenant Osborne and he's got a request."

"Should've put money on that one," said Eddie sighing. "Or chocolate at least."

"Sorry Scout 2, I missed that."

"Nothing Control, Eddie was saying how excited we were to be heading into the unknown."

"Er... yes, of course,"

Merryn rolled her eyes at Eddie who grinned at her. Mal continued, oblivious. "Well, it seems we picked up a radio signal from an old army camp up on Dartmoor."

"The one near Okehampton?" asked Merryn. Andrew pulled out a map and laid it out on the table in front of them. Merryn pointed at the old camp.

"That's the one. It's pretty remote from where you are now, but once you get there it's a short hop to the railway line and a straight route all the way back to here along the rails."

"That's all very well Mal, but I'm not going in those tunnels near the city."

"You can bypass those, it'll be safer, but most of the route is above ground and less likely to be traveled by anyone else."

"Ok, you mentioned a radio signal, what did it say?"

"It was morse code. Set on a loop, repeating over and over."

"Well that would imply they've got power at least, but it could be a solar panel and battery set up that could've been going for years."

"Well that was our initial thought too, but we've scanned that frequency before and it's not been picked up 'til now."

"So you want us to drop in for a cup of tea and say hi?"

"Yes please Scout 2. And if you find any pineapple chunks..."

"Ever hopeful eh Mal?"

"Always Merryn, always."

"Okay, Roger that, we'll alter our route back to a more northern trek and take in the delights of rural Dartmoor. I hope this lot have packed their waterproofs, it's pretty exposed up there."

"Thanks Scout 2. Let me know when you get within range of the army camp and we'll update you if we have any more info."

"Shall do Control, talk to you later. Over and out."

Merryn switched off the radio and sat back in her seat. "Well it's been a while since I've been to that side of the moor."

"How well do you know it?" asked Tom.

"Pretty well. I went to school in the town there and did cross country running up on the moor past the old army base. It's pretty rough country, not much up there but sheep, ponies and peat bogs, well that and great lumps of granite. We're best off using the country and farm roads to wind our way there. It'll take us a few days of good walking." She leant forward to point at Andrew's map. "I'd suggest we walk up the Tamar valley here to Tavistock, pick up some supplies there, then continue north up the road. Then a bit further up we branch right at the old stone quarry onto the army trails on the moor. Those will take us straight to the base." Merryn looked around the shadowed interior of the hut, a couple of rechargeable lanterns providing enough light to see by and checked her watch.

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